The Saver

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Poseidon POV

How am I going to get the jewel? If you don't know what it is, it is the jewel that is on Amphitrite crown that she still won't take off! I need backup to get it.

Amphitrite POV

He thinks he's getting my crown no way. I will die before I give it up. Here they come now.

Poseidon POV

After I got Zeus and Ares to come with me, we went to Amphitrite lair.(An:Creepy) There on the ground was the poison that was used on Athena. She poisoned her!! I will kill her.


"Amphitrite how could you poisoned Athena," Poseidon yelled. "She stole you my love," She answered sweetly. "I will never love you give me the jewel." "No Poseidon I will not give it to you because it's for her." "Fine Guards," he yelled. All the palace guards swarmed in.

----Hello I'm the line break-----
A couple hours later

Poseidon POV

After we got the jewel and Amphitrite in prison we flashed to the hospital. She was still sleeping. Apollo walked in. He gasped when he saw the huge jewel and then smiled. He told me what to do. I prayed to chaos that it would work. I put it on her heart and said I love you Athena. She started waking up. When she was fully awake, she kissed me. When she pulled away I said I love you. She smiled and repeated it.

We heard a cough. We turned around and saw everyone looking at us. We blushed, everyone laughed. That's when I realized our wedding is on Saturday it's Wednesday. I told them that and said we better hurry up then. We quickly got Athena out of the hospital. Athena and I flashed home. We then got ready for bed and went to sleep. 

It's 307 words. I tried hard on this one and the next on or the one after that is the wedding.


Who are the two people who die in the Titan's Curse?



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