The Wedding

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It was finally the day of the wedding. There were doves flying, flowers blooming, the sky clear and the best part was the sea. It was so calm and clear you could see from the top to the bottom easily. That is how you could tell Poseidon was happy. He had not been this happy since Percy was born. This has became the second best day in his whole immortal life with Percy as the first.

Athena was the perfect bride. She knew Poseidon loved her and would never leave her. So she didn't freak out she was happy. She just hoped that he remembered his vows. Her father on the other had was asking her if she really wanted this. She responded yes every time. He finally got the clue and stoped asking. That's when she heard it the music.

Athena looked beautiful as she walked down the aisle. Her dress showed all her curves and she was just perfect. I could see some men looking at her and got extremely jealous but then I remembered she would be mine forever after this.

As I got to the end of the aisle my father gave me a kiss on the cheek. He told Poseidon that if he ever hurt me he would have to watch his back. He said he would never hurt me intentionally. My father then sat down and I look at my one true love.

(I'm skipping most of the wedding and going to the vows)

When the priest ask for her vows she said,"Poseidon you are the only man I will and have ever loved. You are the person I need most in the world and I will always be at your side. You are my everything. He smiled and started his,

"Athena you are better then the sea and earth combined. I am the happiest when I'm with you and there is no doubt about it. When Zeus said we were to be married I was so happy. I had always loved you and did things to get your attention. Some of them may have been bad but all I ever wanted was your attention. I had always wanted to confess my love to you and I never could but now I can. Athena I love you more then the sea, the earth, my siblings. You are the one I love most in the world. I love you."

Athena was crying at the end of this. The priest then said they were husband and wife. They kissed like there was no tomorrow.

(Skipping some)

At the service, Athena threw the wedding bonnet and guessed who caught it. Artemis did. Hermes winked at her and she started blushing. Apollo looked like he want to kill Hermes. Poseidon then came up to Athena and said," Hey are you ready to go." They we're going to Hawaii. "Of course my husband." With that the ran out the door holding hands. When that got to the chariot Poseidon said, "Are you ready for our new life."

The happy the end!

That's 500 words. This might have a sequel but I need people to comment and ask. I hope you enjoyed! Read my other stories their is some pothena in it. Well here is good bye to this story. Good bye


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