'My Dear Karma'

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Dear Muho,

I never actually called you by that nickname. You! Yes you! I can't believe I fell for you! You got the looks but the rest? A total turn off. Mama's boy too. 😄

First Denzel, then Jell and now me?! Ah, karma I tell you. Karma! I used to tease Jocelyn that she'll be next but her love for Walter seems so strong so the karma came to me.

If you noticed, I started ignoring you when you're asking answers for quizes. I would tell myself that you need to become serious. ASAP! I would only allow you to join group activities that time. No more answers unlike before. Atleast in group activities I would make sure that you're working and contributing something. Just because your my crush doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Quite the opposite honestly. 😝

I'll keep this short, thank you. Thank you for being my inspiration. See you soon captain! 😊


To The Guy I Like [™VannaGranger111]Where stories live. Discover now