Entry #2_Aug. 15,2016

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Dear You,

Thank you. Thank you. Thaaaaaaankkkkkkk Yoooooouuuuu! 😆 I might be crying right now without you.

I was not really feeling well this morning. Didn't get to finish my assignment last night due to the slow internet connection. The reason why I felt so hopeless. I even said to myself that 'I want to die', on the way to school. Yeah, I was really depressed. And there's the quiz. I did answer a lot but I feel mad at myself again for not being able to answer the others. If only I did my assignment then I would've done better awhile ago. 😞

Anyway, you must be wondering why I am thanking you. Its simply because I saw you. And I saw your smile too. Somehow, it made feel a little bit better. Yup. That's how you affect me.
You even came close to me! Okay, maybe it was me. I don't know. Does that mean something or I'm just assuming? Oh wait, doesn't matter. You made me happy and I'm good. But seriously though, I was really surprised that it was you who was beside me awhile ago. I could even still remember how your arm brushed mine which made me look to my side. Only to find out that the guy I like was right beside me. I hope you didn't see my face 'cause I was smiling like an idiot. Please tell me you didn't. 😆
Thanks for making me feel better!


What do you say? Am I assuming or what? Comment anything please! 'Kahit ano!' 😋

To The Guy I Like [™VannaGranger111]Where stories live. Discover now