Entry #13_Oct. 3,2016

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Dear You,

             I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

I'll start with the good news.

Okay, here it goes.
I don't get easily hurt by what I see and hear about you anymore. That time when you lied to me, I'm not that mad about it anymore.

I've grown immune to hurt. Isn't that great?

I don't feel hurt or jealous (yes, JEALOUS) whenever I see you talking comfortably with the girls in class. I don't feel hurt that they nickname you 'baby'. I don't feel hurt when you do not talk to me or even notice me. Lastly, I don't feel hurt anymore when I heard/hear that you like that girl beside you.

Isn't that impressive?! I've felt this way before so yeah, I can say I'm used to it. Used to be immune to pain and just be happy to whatever comes. That      is the good news.

The bad news is, I still like you BUT what usually happens to me when I get immune to being hurt is I tend to forget my feelings. That happens especially when I don't try to impress you.

Forgive me but I'm a feminist. I don't like impressing people specially a guy IF I'm of no importance to him.

So it's all up to your move.

Just remember that I'm waiting right here.

I did my first move. And I get embarrased in return.

How about you? What's your next move?

Curiosity kills. So make a move before it kills me.


To The Guy I Like [™VannaGranger111]Where stories live. Discover now