Chapter 5 - A Battle And Broken Bones

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With Treecko safe and sound and Piplup in my possession, I felt up for a challenge. When we left the Pokemon Centre, I turned to Brock and asked: "Hey, Brock. How about we battle? Like good old times?"

He smiled and said: "I was just about to ask the same thing!"

So, we all walked up to Pewter Gym and waited outside whilst Brock prepared for the battle. "Toby? Do you mind if I battle with Brock first?" Holly asked. How could I have forgotten? Holly was competing for the Pokemon League! "Well, ladies first." I replied. "Thanks! All right! First battle in the Kanto region!" Holly stated as she barged through yet another door. I followed her in and explained the situation to Brock. "No problem!" He said cheerily. "Ok, let's get this show on the road!"

Bonnie and I were seated in the viewing area next to the stadium, a perfect place to see the action. Now, one thing Holly was always serious about was her battles. She stood atop her podium looking as confident as ever, as did Riolu next to her. She pulled out a PokeBall out from her belt, giving it the once over. "Ready." She said to Brock. He just smiled and whipped a PokeBallall out as fast as lightning. He nodded towards his PokeBall, and threw it into the arena, shouting "Golem! Your assistance please!"

Brock's Golem appeared in a flash of silver, showing it's rock-muscle in the brief moment of light. Holly smiled a smug grin and threw her Pokeball too.  

I knew the Pokemon before I saw it. You don't travel around the whole Unova region with somebody without working out their battle patterns. "Go! Amber!" She called. Amber, Holly's Dragonite, cascaded out of her Pokeball, looking just as feirce as ever. Amber was a tall Pokemon of great stature, with a red ear-ring pierced in one ear. "Stone Edge!" Brock commanded his Golem. The Pokemon sent tens of rocks flying at Amber, but she didn't looked swayed in the slightest. "Dragon Breath!" Holly retaliated. The giant heaved it's head back and let loose a barrage of burning breath. Brock's Stone Edge melted instantly and the still flowing Dragon Breath whipped Golem off it's feet and slammed it into the wall. Dragon Breath stopped and Golem fell to the floor, unconscious. 

"Woo!" Bonnie shouted from her seat. "Great job!"

Holly turned and winked, then quickly became focused on the battle once more. "Return, Golem!" Brock said as Golem slinked back into it's ball. He then brought out another PokeBall and threw that one into the ring.  

"Go, Steelix!" Brock shouted. A monster of the shiniest steel appeared and draped over poor Amber. Holly merely smiled and brought out Amber's PokeBall. "Thank you, Amber! Return!"  

She turned to Riolu and he immediately flipped into the stadium. Riolu eyed Steelix carefully, trying to read its intentions. "Bind!" Brock called out to his Pokemon. 

Riolu closed his eyes, calming himself for the attack. "Force Palm." Holly muttered under her breath. Steelix got closer and closer, and still no movement from Riolu. Brock's Metal Monster raised its heavy tail, and shot it straight for Riolu. Bonnie couldn't look - she cringed and hid behind me. I however, was engrossed in the action, unable to take my eyes off of Riolu's still figure. 

I finally realised Holly's plan just before she initiated it. "NOW!" She roared. Riolu's eyes sprung open and he launched himself into the air, narrowly avoiding Steelix's tail. 

Brock looked on in awe as his Steelix missed its target and plummeted to the ground. Riolu made an aerial manoeuvre, and dived head first towards Steelix. 

At the very last moment, Riolu flipped out of his dive and, using the momentum gained, slammed a Critical Hit Force Palm into the side of Steelix's face, plunging him into the ground. There was a loud BANG and dust filled the room. After several moment's of coughing, the dust settled over the battlefield, and the victor was shown.  

Steelix had been knocked out cold by Riolu's surprise attack, and Riolu stood, with no injuries at all! Brock returned Steelix to its PokeBall, thanking it for the effort.  

"Well done, miss! You deserve a badge for my gracious defeat!"

Bonnie and I ran down to Holly to congratulate her on her victory. Bonnie flew into her arms saying to her: "You did great! How'd you do it?"

I, meanwhile, went over to congratulate Riolu on his performance. "You did great out there, buddy!"  I told him. Riolu smiled at me for a while, then cradled his head in what seemed like pain."Holly!" I called. "Riolu's in pain!"

Holly shut her eyes and listened to her Pokemon. For a brief moment I became impatient, until she blurted: "He's back! That man and his Psychic disturbance!" She stated.  

Everybody ran outside, and too our horror, James was standing on the Pokemon Centre roof. "There you are! I knew you'd be here somewhere!" He called.  

"What do you want?" I asked.  

"Bah, I've no time for games! Hand it over!" He replied, sounding more than agitated.  

"Hand what over?" 

"You dare resist me? Twister!" James called into the wild.  

I looked for the creature's silhouette, and found it next to James. I strained to get a better look, but before I could, gale force winds were shot from the mouth of the creature. A Twister attack!? There was no way of making it through this without some thing to hold onto. "Everyone! Grab onto something and don't let g-gwagh!" Was all I could say before the wind was taken from my lungs. 

Holly quickly grabbed Riolu and cradled him tight, whilst Brock put one arm around her and the other around a pole.  

They were safe. I was not. 

The winds got stronger now, threatening to blow me away. And then I remembered. Where was Bonnie? I looked over my shoulder to see her fighting the wind, but she wouldn't last forever. 

When the wind took her, she would be slammed into the side of Pewter Gym!  

I braced myself or what was to come, and flung myself as far as I could to my sister. The raging currents of wind ripped me from my spot and straight towards the Gym. Bonnie lost her footing. As she fell backwards, I whipped past, catching her by the waist. I cradled her into my stomach and shut my eyes tight as tight as I could and braced myself for the collision with the solid wall. 

"TOBY!" I heard as I was flung through the air. I managed to get a glimpse before I was knocked cold. It an old friend of mine from my days as a newbie - Jamie. He was attacking James.

That was all I saw, because after that, I slammed into Pewter Gym, protecting my sister from the impact.

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