Chapter 18 - Valentina Mysteria

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He was out like a light, slamming down onto the earth. “Lucario is down! Bonnie wins!” Holly declared. Jake returned Lucario with a rather embarrassed look on his face.

“Good job.” He said, instantly making Bonnie jump up and down with excitement. She then returned Amoongus. I had made it back down in time to see Jake's defeat and nearly laughed at the sight.

Later, we all gathered to form a plan.“If you want another badge, the next Gym is in Celadon City. But to get there, you'd have to pass through Lavender Town.” Jake said. Holly and I agreed, following the route on our map.

“But how do we get to Lavender Town?” Bonnie asked. Holly ran her finger over the map and found an opening.

“We head back up to Cerulean City and cut left through to Route 10. There, we can take the Rock Tunnel all the way to Lavender Town!” She stated. Jake and Bonnie nodded, whilst I was dumbstruck.

“You know how to read maps?!” I exclaimed.

“Ugh, how long IS this road?” Bonnie moaned as we manoeuvred our way through Route 10. I shot her a menacing look that said

“Shut up, we're nearly there!”

We turned yet another corner and were greeted by the sight of water and rock. But before Bonnie could moan even more, she saw the cave entrance. “Finally!” She said impatiently, rushing up towards it.

“Icicle Rain!” Came a voice from above.

I looked up to see none other than James, with a blue pattern swirling beneath his feet and a cloud appearing in the sky. I ran forward, throwing a PokeBall with my momentum. “Grovyle, go!” I called. The Gecko erupted forward, legs like a flash. From the cloud above, huge shards of icicles shot down towards Bonnie, sharp ends first. Grovyle leaped and grabbed Bonnie, pulling her away just as the ice smashed to the floor.

“What was that?!” Jake exclaimed. James simply tutted and began running along the top of the Rock Tunnel.

“Hey!” I shouted, running towards the wall. Holly, Bonnie, Jake and Grovyle followed, all five of us on top of the cave. “Grovyle, use Bullet Seed!” I ordered. Grovyle arched his head and blew hundreds of seeds straight towards James' back.

“Flame Burst!” James shouted, another pattern swirling beneath him.

Two balls of searing hot flame came from James' hands, incinerating all of the seeds at once. “Amazing power!” Holly stated. And with that, James leapt from the rocky surface down into a tree.

“Damn, lost him!” Jake said.

After we had caught our breath and I had returned Grovyle, we too slid down the side of the Rock Tunnel, landing just outside of Lavender Town. A huge tower parted the clouds like a knife through warm butter. “They call it the Pokemon Tower,” Bonnie explained. “It houses Pokemon who have passed away.” We walked round to the Tower itself and stared at the top.

“They also say that Ghost Pokemon live here.” I said.

Just then, an ear crushing sound came from above. We all looked up just in time to see shards of glass falling from a shattered window at the Tower's peak. Closer inspection showed that there was a boy holding onto the wall where the window had been, dangling over the ground below him. “Whoa, he must be at least ten storeys high!” Bonnie exclaimed. And then, from inside the wall came out a sleek woman's leg with a shiny white high heel on the end. Whoever it was was trying to be rid of this boy. The high heel slammed down on the only hand the boy had on the wall, and the child fell from the skies, tumbling towards the ground at break-neck speeds.

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