Chapter 10 - Entering The League

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We barely made it out of the balloon before it exploded, but the blast was enough to send us all shooting into the sea. With a loud splash, we all entered the freezing cold water. Below sea level I heard many "Gurrgh!" sounds. Obviously my friends were trying to breathe. I bet Grovyle was loving the water. Moments later, everyone swam upwards, gasping for air. As our heads broke the water, we were staring at the burning remains of the Rocket Balloon. "Agck!" Bonnie gurgled before she could clear her mouth of water. "Good riddance!" She finally managed to say.

Later, once we had all dried off, we met up with the others. Just as Jamie was taking us to Holly's hospital room, Bonnie remembered something. "Toby! I just remembered!" She squeaked. She fumbled in her pocket and brought out a small piece of metal. "Where did you-" I began.  

"From that machine! The one in the balloon." I nodded and took the metal, examining it's shape. There was a sort of star pattern on the material, but I couldn't for the life of me think of what connection this had to Team Rocket. "Jake, take Bonnie to the laboratory in Pewter City and show them this." I said, handing the metal to him. "Tell them where it came from, and ask them if they can find out what it does. We'll meet you there in a bit!"

He accepted the material and responded with a:  


Taking Bonnie and riding on Lucario, the metal would be in the scientists hands in no time.

Jamie and I reached Holly's hospital room at the best possible time. No nurses were there, just Holly, with Riolu curled on her pillow, the both of them fast asleep. Perfect, I thought. Now I could heal her my way. I slipped my bag off and pulled a Full Restore out. "Ah, I get it!" Jamie blurted. Holly had quite a few bruises, so I sprayed the Full Restore all over her arms, the medicine sinking in immediately. Moments later, she jolted, waking Riolu and causing him to think I was an intruder. He jumped at me, ready to attack, but his senses came to him and he landed on my shoulder instead. Before I could say hello, Holly shot out of her bed, wide awake. "WOO! I'm back!" She screamed. I winced - anybody could have heard that, so now we had a very small amount of time to make our leave. "Hello, Holly! Quickly, we need to leave, before the nurses come!" I greeted. She simply nodded, grabbed her things and headed for the nearest window. Riolu leaped from my shoulder to hers, gracefully landing without a sound. I picked up my bag again, and ushered Jamie out of the window after Holly. As soon as they had made it out, I followed.

Once we had safely made it out of the hospital and outside the Pokemon Center, we began to devise a plan. "Right, where's Brock?" I asked.  

"He went back to his Gym." Jamie responded. I thought for a while and asked:

"Holly, can Amber fly us back to Pewter City where the others are?"

Holly brought out a PokeBall and tossed it into the air. "Of course she can!"

We finally arrived outside of Pewter City Gym after a surprisingly comfortable ride on Holly's Dragonite. However, there was no sign of Jake or Bonnie. "Jamie, go into the lab over there and look for Jake and my sister, will you please?"

Jamie nodded, pulling a skateboard out of his bag. Wow, you think you know a guy...

Meanwhile, Holly and I entered the Gym, looking for Brock. We didn't have to look far, because he ran straight up to us. "Holly! You're better! And Toby! Come back for that battle, eh?" He greeted us cheerfully. Of course! I had completely forgotten! Brock had invited me to battle just before I was put in hospital! "Er, sure! Just don't go easy on me!"

And so the match began. Holly and Riolu sat up in the viewing area where I had once sat looking at them. Brock flung his first PokeBall up into the air. "Go! Golem!" He announced. Golem appeared in a white flash of light, once again flexing it's rocky muscles.

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