eight - past

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At the top of each chapter it says (Past). The next chapter is going to go back to the present where they are all sitting in Harry's house telling the story to Darcy. I hope this doesn't confuse anybody Oops


"And now we are back with the girlfriends of One Direction!"

The crowd went wild as they saw all five girls walk out onto stage. Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor waved at the crowd, smiling widely. They were used to all of this. Mostly Perrie since she does interviews with her band, Little Mix. I looked at Kaylee, whose eyes wouldn't meet the peoples in the crowd. You could see the fear etched into her features. Darianna just smiled, blushing slightly. Compared to Kaylee, Dar was quite confident in everything she did. She didn't let harsh words get to her like Kaylee. When Kaylee's eyes met mine, I smiled at her and she took the seat next to me. She smiled faintly back but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I whispered into her ear, making sure that the mic attached to my shirt didn't pick up what I was saying.

"Yes," She responded, her voice a little shaky. She wasn't okay but this was not the time to push.


So, I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. I placed my other hand on her knee and let my thumb go around in little circles, trying to calm her nerves a little bit. This whole interview was so unplanned. The girls weren't supposed to come out on stage, we weren't supposed to tell their names, and they weren't ready for any questions. This isn't what I wanted.

"So, now that you guys are on stage, what are your names?"

"My name is Darianna."

"I'm Kaylee."

"I'm Perrie, but most people might already know that," The crowd laughed along with her.

"I'm Eleanor, but some people might know that too."

"And I'm Dani."

The crowd went wild after they stopped introducing themselves. This was good right? The fans liked them.

"Now can I ask you a few questions?" Linda asked and Maria nodded. The girls nodded and Kaylee squeezed my hand tighter. Linda looked at the cards in her lap, "Now this is for Darianna and Kaylee. We know about the others stories about how they met, but we would like to know how you guys got to know Niall and Harry."

Kaylee looked at Darianna and decided to answer this question, "Well I grew up in Ireland around Niall. Stuff happened and he befriended me even though I was a horrible friend at the time. We got really close and he was like the brother I never had. Then a few years later, Dar moved into our neighborhood and with her being the new girl, nobody wanted to be friends with her. So Niall and I befriended her and I knew instantly that he liked her. Years passed and his feelings for her grew. Soon he left for the X-Factor and he never came back. He came back a few times and then suddenly I get a call from Dar saying that we were invited to come and stay with him while they were here in the Bahama's on vacation an-"

Louis cut her off, smiling widely, "Then these two munchkins get here and Niall is like in la la land because he's so happy. We all came up with a plan to get them together and we set them up. They were nervous at first but now they're together," Louis chuckled and then looked over at me, "Hazza over here had the hots for Kaylee and he complained that he would never get her. So I gave him 'the talk', told him to man up and he asked her out on a date and that's how Kaylee and Harry met."

The audience clapped, enjoying our stories on how we met. Maria smiled, "Wow. Thank you Louis for that very, uh zealous story on how they came to be."

The crowd laughed some more with me tagging along with them. Kaylee shifted around in her seat and let a fake smile form on her face. She's like an open book, all her emotions worn on her sleeve to be seen for all.

"Okay, next question. Perrie, is it true that you and Zayn are engaged?" Maria asked, raising her eyebrows in anticipation.

"Actually, we wanted to hide this a little longer, but we are!" Perrie took her hands out from underneath her legs and showed the gigantic diamond ring sitting on her hand.

"Oh my, that's gorgeous! When did this happen?" Maria asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"A few nights ago," Zayn said, intertwining their hands together, smiles both on their faces.

"And I thought we had something special" Louis said, covering his eyes with his hands and fake crying. Eleanour hit him sofely on the shoulder and everyone started laughing.

"Alright, on that note, we will be right back with a performance from One Direction and Little Mix! That's right guys, the rest of Little Mix is in the back!"

Perrie's face lit up and she started talking, not believing her band was here right now. This day has been surprises after surprises.


"That was amazing guys and girls. Great job," We thanked Paul and everybody backstage who told us we did a great job up on stage. "Are you guys ready for a surprise?'

Louis looked over at Paul, "Another surprise? You're joking!"

"Yes Louis, a surprise. Your surprise is that you guys are going snorkeling!"

Louis screamed and ran up to hug Paul. Paul just shook his head and nodded, handing us all tickets with a location and time. Paul faced us all after Louis calmed down and said, "There's a van waiting outside for you guys. It will take you back to the hotel. Pack a small bag of the things you guys will need. Any questions?"

When none of us had questions, Wwe thanked Paul again and ran outside to the van . We all hopped in, talking wildly about how much fun this was going to be.

Or at least that's what I thought.


Sorry this was so short! 

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