Part seven:

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Soon after, Alec paid for dinner and we left the little restaurant late at night. Once again we were reunited with his car and the drive home passed by with in minuets.
The whole night drifted away too quickly, I didn't want it to end. I stood at the door of my apartment with Alec's head resting on my shoulder behind me and his arms wrapped around my waist. Once the door opened he let go and stood waiting, his feet rubbing in a circular motion on the floor.

"Magnus, I'd like to do this again sometime, would you?" His hand brushed down my arm and then locked into my own, like a jigsaw, we fit.
"I would be more than happy to except that offer." I pulled him closer, our noses touching. "Same time next week?" His voice was a little shaky and his hands became a bit clammy, he seemed nervous but I eased him with a kiss.

"Sure... I'll see you then." I had already pulled away from the kiss and stepped inside, leaving Alec on the door step entranced by what I had just done.
"Goodbye Alexander." I closed the door in front of him. That was amazing, I have never had courage like that before, to kiss him on the first date!

The next morning I got up and done my usual routine. Coffee. I realised that I still had glitter all over my eyes, and the taste of Alec still on my lips. Walking into my living room I see an envelope left in front of my door on the mat. The handwriting was Alec's...

-good morning Magnus, last night was amazing. I already have the plans ready for next Friday, I hope you like it. You're something very special Magnus...... I'll see you Friday,
Love Alexander xxxx

As I pulled out the rest of the note a single white rose petal fell to the ground and written on it in fine black writing was: 'Friday 22nd July 2022 ~ our first date xx' with a smile I walked back to my bedroom and placed  the petal on my bed side table. Even though we have a date for Friday I wanted to see Alec again, so I called him. We are going to meet tomorrow for lunch.

I know I just can't help myself, but I feel safe when I'm with him, and that's how I want to feel for the rest of my life. Finally it's Sunday and I have my lunch date with Alec. This time I decided where we were going, it's a cafe on the corner of Clace street called the institute of pastries... They do the best croissants.
I was sat at the corner of the cafe awaiting Alec's arrival when he finally walked through the door. His hair was wet as if he had just come out of the shower and he was wearing black skinny jeans and an oversized, thick knitted, burgundy jumper. It was simple but surprisingly attractive. He sat down opposite me the same twinkle in his eyes like on our date Friday.
"Magnus, hey." He sounded so excited to see me. "Alec, good to see you again. Thank you for my note, it was a nice surprise in the morning." I wrapped my hands around the coffee I had ordered before hand. "Oh yeah, that reminds me... These are for you" from a bag he had in his back he whipped out another beautiful arrangement of flowers full of colours of deep reds and fluorescent pinks. " Alec, you don't have to buy me flowers every time we meet..." I smiled at his act. "But I like to, it just shows you I care... Plus I get a discount at the flower stool, I know the guy." The sarcasm in his voice made me smile and I playfully hit him on the arm. "Hey!" He squealed, his smile bigger than before.  Yet again it was another perfect day. With the perfect man.

I'm just very excited for Friday, what on earth has he got in store for me now?

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