Part twenty nine:

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The rain intermingled with the intense strikes of chaotic thunder. The deep howls of it echoing through the room accompanied by the disorderly commotion of Isabelle packing a rucksack for the journey ahead.

Alec had only just about been able to stand on his own two feet with the occasional unbalanced sway. I found it striking how Alec had made such a quick recovery, his bruises and cuts still open and weeping. Every time I met his eyes they were filled with and intense red colour, every time looking as though he's about to burst into an endless stream of tears.

"Izzy are we ready to go... I wanna get going." Simon was on edge awaiting to enter the dark of the tunnels, his face always beaming with a perfect smile.
"Simon what do I say...?" Isabelle waited for a reply, he disembodied voice steaming from behind a stack of boxes, Simons head hung low as he slowly mumbled, "patience is key..."

I chuckled under my breath as I placed a hoodie around Alec's back helping him place his arms inside. "She sounds just like our mum..." Alec stared down at me, like he always did, right into my eyes with the intensity of the blue that stemmed between lighter shades. I got lost with in the warmth of them... like I was drifting upon and open sea, lost but at the same time discovered. "I imagine your mother was a strong character then?" I inquired, I never really asked Alec about his family too much, it seemed a touchy subject.

"Yeah, but I guess that's what got her in trouble." Alec glanced away from me, I decided to ask no more.

"Alright guys I think I'm ready, is everyone else?" Isabelle hoisted a green patchy rucksack over her shoulder and comfortably placed it upon her back. We were finally going to get out of this secret hid out, and I know everyone is starving.
Isabelle swept across the room into the far corner where a tall book case stood, with ease she pulled back the book case where a door was placed with in the wall.
"Talk about a secret door!" Simon again gleamed with the same excitement as always, he was keen enough to enter first.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, my dear Alexander?" I couldn't live with my self if he was not in the best shape and make him divulge himself into the depth of these tunnels.

"Magnus..... I'm fine."
Alec limped over to the door when Isabelle has stopped in a dead silence.
"Shhhhh... do you hear that?" Isabelle crept over the the small window planted next the the entrance. I froze.

Voices came into range....
"They have to be here, it was what the chips said."
"Boss... there's not much here." Another voice.
"Well it would help if you actually looked further than your nose Brad..."

I knew exactly who's voice that was, the deep nothingness and sarcastic tone bounced around my mind. Kieran....

Isabelle's face was a pure fixture of fear, her eyes fading of hope and her legs stuck in her spot. "We have to move... NOW!"
I didn't think for a second Alec and I trembled into the door as Isabelle followed closing it behind us and pulling the bookcase back into place.

A small hole was carved into the door allowing a perfect view through a couple of books and into the scope of the room. I could hear Isabelle's breath become deep and inconsistent, I held my hand on her shoulder awaiting her call to move ahead.

The fear was unreal, but the thing is fear isn't real. It's the product of thoughts you create. This is danger.... and danger is very real.

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