Part eight:

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It's Wednesday night, and yet I have nothing to do besides watch Tv and let time pass. But I'm feeling a bit daring tonight, I'm going to surprise Alec at the Shadow World.
As I strut into my walk in wardrobe I think it's best if I dress a little less flamboyant. I grab my black skinny jeans and an old leather jacket with a plain black top. No gel in my hair or jewellery, I make my way there hoping not to get beaten up this time.

The Shadow World was a lot different on the outside than I remember, but this time I got in successfully. I was surprised by the inside, smoke everywhere and big men hurling over tables and women. The floor had a bar on the left which was dimly light with high tables and bar chairs scattered.
On a step down, there was a huge fighting ring/cage harshly placed under light. Around the cage people were dotted around hiding behind wooden pillars. I step down near the ring looking for Alec.... But there was more to see.

Looking directly through the cage on the other side, I see Alec... But there was a man all over him, tracing Alec's body and kissing his neck and lips. My heart sank like he had just dropped the anchor off a ship. Alec wasn't even stoping him, he was joining in... He was enjoying it. I couldn't move, my whole body went numb. At that moment I had had enough of this.

Rage filled every inch of my body.
"ALEC, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I didn't care if I was making a scene, the hurt was clear in my voice and my eyes begun to sting. Alec's head turned and the colour drained from his face. "Mag...Magnus what are you doing here?" He frantically pushed the man away. The tall black haired man kissing Alec looked stunned, and he even had the cheek to speak, "Who is this guy Alec?" I was totally enraged. "Who am I? Who are you and why are you throwing your self all over him?" I poked his right shoulder aggressively walking closer.

Alec stepped in between the two of us, "Guys  stop. Magnus please, let me explain."  Alec caressed my shoulders like he did when he kissed me on our first date. A tear rolled down my cheek and the fiery pain of holding in what I wanted to scream burned in my throat. "Alec I thought I meant something to you, you said I was special to you." Tears kept streaming down my face and the Black haired man stepped in again, "Kieran, just leave it." Alec pushed him back. What is happening? How? Why? I feel sick I just had to leave. I threw Alec's hand off my shoulder, I couldn't even bare the thought of his touch right now.

I stormed out side into the ally, the rain pouring down and trickling down my face merging with my tears that's burned my eyes and face. Alec of course followed me out hopefully leaving this Kieran guy inside... Which thankfully he did do. "Magnus please just listen to me." He pinned me against the wall until I agreed to listen, even though I didn't want to hear it. "Okay... Who the hell is he?" I tried to strengthen myself but it felt impossible.
Alec took a massive gulp and stared at the ground... " he's... He's my boyfriend" there was a silence between us. I was mortified. "Your....your what?" I shoved him off of me so I could free myself. "Magnus I was gonna call if off between me and Kieran.."
"Well it didn't bloody look like it Alec! You've had two weeks! He was all over you!" I was furious and I could feel the burning desire to slap him rising through my body and into my fists. Alec looked away from my red face, it seemed like he couldn't bare to see me like this. But I don't know what to believe anymore.

"Magnus, don't you realise? I was willing to throw away a three year relationship for you Magnus!" He caressed my cheek which took me back to our first kiss, but I watched it crumble right in front of me. "It was all for you" he repeated but said it more softly. "Alexander, don't you get it? I'm in love with you! And you didn't even have the cheek to tell me you were already in a relationship.... A three year relationship! I trusted you and I gave you all of me. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" I started to walk away but Alec grabbed my hand and pulled my into his arms our foreheads touching whilst he looked into my eyes..... Mine were broken and his was guilty. "Magnus..... You mean everything to me..." The same feeling of when we first met rushed through my veins, but I couldn't even stand the thought of his hands on me when they've been on someone else.

"Alec...." I was too upset to even think. "Just give me time, let me go." I tugged out of his grip and finally I could walk away, I could hear a few faint foot steps of Alec wanting to pull me back again.

"Magnus please." He shouted but there was a crack in his voice, the voice of a cry.

"No Alec, just go back inside.... Kieran's probably waiting for you." I didn't look back and I wiped the tears off my face. But it was no use because they kept coming, I don't think I will ever cry again after this..... How could I ?

My heart for the first time... Is broken.

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