Part seventeen:

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It's now a Monday morning, so I decided to head off to work early today. Even though it's probably just a bunch of emails to write and reply to, I had to clear my head. I left Alec stretched out along the bed, the sun peeking through the curtains and shinning gently across his face, highlighting all of his bones and structures. I got lost in him... But it was the kind of lost that's exactly like being found.

I'm lucky enough for work to only be about 20 minuets away, but by bike it's half the time. The office is normally quiet, with just me and Simon opposite each other. Simons a pretty young boy, cute and innocent with his curly brown hair and thick rimmed glasses. But he can be quite annoying, his giggly and bubbly personality is... let's just say a required taste. Despite that you learn to love him.

I ran into work when I arrived making my way up to the 23rd floor of the tall city building. Simon was sat at his desk as usual typing away at his keyboard. Some how today I have to ask him about the club... There's no other way of Alec and Kieran knowing about me going there.

"Good morning Simon." I put on a smile as I set down my coffee and keys next to my computer. "Morning Magnus... Ever realised the alliteration there... Morning Magnus?" He sounded pleasantly surprised yet satisfied at his notice, I'll let him have it. "Anything new? Being off for a week I must of missed out on quite a bit." I sat on my office chair and pulled it in tightly against my desk. The top few curls off Simons head poked up from behind his computer screen.
"Actually you haven't missed much. Mr. Valentine has asked for me to do some extra shifts which is pretty cool. I could do with the extra cash."
"Ahhh getting asked by the big boss now are we?" I chuckled.
"If you like." He giggled back...." It's  nice to have you back Magnus. You sure do bring the sparkle back to the office." He stopped typing and peered over my screen, generally happy to see me.
"Well I do try." I winked at him. It felt good to be back, I've been in torment over the last couple of days... I just have to put on a false smile because smiling is a lot easier than having to explain why your hurt and upset.
By now it was lunch, me and Simon normally go out to the small coffee shop in the corner across from work. We have the same seat all the time, right next to the window watching the world go by.
"So, Simon. I heard you met a girl a year or so ago. How comes you never told me?" I sipped a bit of my coffee as Simon was cleaning his glasses.
"Uh yeah... Her names Izzy. Well it's Isabelle but I like to call her Izzy." He seemed nervous but I didn't think much of it. " Well? What's she like then?" I was curious.
" Well... She's beautiful, curly long black hair and brown eyes. Oh and her figure..." He could see my eyebrows raised... A bit too much information Simon. "Looks like you've got a catch." I took another sip of my coffee and a bite of my sandwich. "Simon Lightwood .... Got a ring to it hasn't it?" I choked on my sandwich. Simon looked concerned, I was just confused.
"Lightwood?!?!" My eyes widened.
"Yeah.... She has a brother as well they're pretty close, I think you might like him. He's pretty hot." He chuckled. But soon realised. "Funny enough he works at that club I recommend to you about a year ago. Izzy told me about it and said I should tell a friend to go." He seemed pleased at his kindness in offering me to go to the club that night.... But he has no idea what mess he's gotten me in to.
"Simon... By any chance is Izzy's brothers name Alec / Alexander?" Simon raised his gaze from his lunch to me. " Yeah.... How did you know?" He looked surprised. "I'm actually in a relationship with him... It's everything I ever dreamed. How strange is that?" I had to fake it, I was pretty sure he would tell Isabelle about it.

"Wow Magnus! I'm so happy for you!" Simon seemed chuffed as he shoved the remaining piece of his sandwich in his mouth. "Yeah.... It's just great." It was horrible having to lie when before it felt so real. When we were done we headed back to the office and worked until 5:00pm. Getting home was quick but I was defiantly going to confront Alec about this.

Because right now I'm tired of hiding what I'm feeling and I'm tired of holding all of this in my head.

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