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Song recommendation whilst reading: BTS coffee instrumental😊

I woke up with sound of my alarm ringing, I sat up and laid my head against the headboard of my bed and remembered everything that happened yesterday. A smile crept up on my face, i turned to look at my alarm clock. AGH! I'm going to be late for work!!. I got up, washed my face, had a quick shower and got changed. I entered the kitchen to find a glass vase with red roses in it (my favourite kind of flowers) there was an attachment to the flowers with a letter saying

 I entered the kitchen to find a glass vase with red roses in it (my favourite kind of flowers) there was an attachment to the flowers with a letter saying

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To y/n

On a scale of 1 to 10: you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need

From your secret admirer x

As I read the card my cheeks became bright red and I was laughing at how cheesy this was, Anisah entered the room looking at me weirdly, she was looking at the card in my hand and quickly snatched it off me." Oooh what's this?" she said all giggly. It, it's nothing I said whilst trying to get the card off her but, I couldn't. She read out the card " to y/n on a scale of 1 to 10: you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need, from anonymous" she started laughing so much she fell onto her knees. Shut up I said because she knew it was really embarrassing and cheesy. "Who do you think it's from" Anisah said once she caught her breath. I don't know I said whilst thinking of baekhyun. "It's baekhyun isn't it" she said without hesitation. Uh, uh I don't know I gotta get going now byee I quickly said before Anisah would start laughing again.

I started making my way to work. Once I arrived I got to working. I had just finished a draft of the report I was doing, I looked at my watch and it was time for lunch, that's when I realised I had left my lunch in the house. I got my phone to ring Anisah, I was staring at the window waiting for her to pick up. No answer, I hung up and noticed a little coffee shop down the road, it looks new I thought. I grabbed my bag and coat and made my way outside, heading towards the coffeehouse. Once I entered I could smell the fresh coffee it woke me up and then I recognised someone at the back, I tried to see who it was, then I saw baekhyun sitting alone, he quickly noticed me, I was about to quickly leave but then he called my name "yah! Y/n, you can come sit next to me" he was still smiling. So I went to sit down in next to him.
"What are you doing here?" He said really surprised.
Oh I came here for my lunch break, what about you? I said without stuttering,
"I heared about this place opening so I thought why not check it out, see if it's any good"
Is it? I said while looking into his brown puppy like eyes
"It's amazing, you should try their freshly grounded coffee, would you like me to order you one?" He said whilst looking into my eyes. I felt nervous once again, no I'm okay I'll just order myself I said trying not to make eye contact. I stood up and walked to the counter to order my lunch.

Baekhyun's point of view:

My heart started to race faster then usual, aish why am I like this I thought. I kept thinking to ask for her number or at least something. She looked my way and gave me a little smile before looking back at the waitress. I smiled back and couldn't stop. Stop it baekhyun your going to look like a creep I thought. She made her way back with her food.
We spent about 10 minutes talking about our interests and and dislikes. We had more in common then I thought.
She looked at the time, "ah I'm really sorry baekhyun this was really nice but i need to go back, so sorry" she said
She got up and was making her way towards the door, quickly baekhyun I thought get her number. I rushed to her without realising what I probably looked like. Umm, uh y/n before you go could I get your number? I spoke casually so she couldn't tell I was nervous. " yeah sure" she replied with a smile, she gave me a little piece of paper with her number written on it. " bye" she said shyly while smiling
Bye I said whilst dozing if into her beautiful, brown eyes that I could get lost in, she chuckled as she stared at me, I quickly snapped out if it and said sorry chuckled.

Y/n's point of view:

I went back to work and sat at my desk, whilst squealing like a little girl who just got noticed by her crush.
I came back to my senses and got back to work.
Bzzzz my phone rang, it was a text from baekhyun

Baekhyun: hi it's baekhyun make sure you add me to your contacts😝

I replied with: hi! And yeah why wouldn't I add you😂

About a minute later my phone went off again,
Baekhyun: I don't really know, all my friends say I'm really loud and annoying and that people don't want my number in their phones😁

I replied back with: 😂don't listen to them, your not annoying. I started laughing to myself whilst thinking of him being annoying and always in your face, how could anyone find him annoying I thought. I realised that I was still at work, so I carried on, I had finished my report and had sent it to the co publisher. My phone rang again
Baekhyun: are you busy this weekend on Saturday? X

I replied with: no I'm free why?
Baekhyun: I want to take you out on a date, maybe to the movies then a nice restaurant.

I replied yeah I'd love to, and closed my eyes whilst smiling.

I liked baekhyun I thought

My phone went off again, it was baekhyun
Baekhyun: by the way, I sent those flowers😝

End of chapter 3

Author's note:
Hi hope you guys enjoyed, please keep voting and yeah💖💖💖

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