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Song recommendation: ikon apology in the background whilst reading😭

This is perfect I thought, until... "Oh my god, baekhyun, I haven't seen you in ages" says a girl from behind me. Baekhyun lets go of my waist as I unwrap my arms from his neck. "Ashely oh my god it's been ages" baekhyun says whilst putting on a fake smile. Umm hi who's this baekhyun? I asked.
"Oh, uh, Ashely meet me girlfriend y/n, y/n meet my ex Ashely" baekhyun said as he scratched his head.
"Omg you are like so cute" Ashely said as she pulled me into a hug. When she hugged me baekhyun did a loopy hand action towards his head indicating that she's the crazy ex. I slowly laughed as me and Ashely broke the hug. "Hey, who's this" Anisah asked curiously as she came and stood by me. This is Ashely, baekhyun's ex I whispered in Anisah's ear.
"Oh" she mouthed at me.
"OMG SEEHUUN" Ashely squealed as she ran into sehuns arms.
"Ah!, Ashely noona I haven't seen you in ages" sehun smiled as he lifted up Ashely . I looked at Anisah she looked pretty angry and jealous. Sehun looked at Anisah and knew that she was jealous and he liked it so he carried on teasing Anisah by making her more jealous by talking to Ashely and putting his hand around her waist. I knew this was going to end badly so before anything started I quickly took Anisah to the bar, and we had a few drinks to calm ourselves down. "Ugh!!, like who even is she!!" Anisah growled.
Baekhyun said she's one of those crazy possessive exes, like what did he even see in her, ew I said back. Just then sehun and baekhyun approached us with big smiles on their faces, knowing we were jealous. "Did you have fun with uuuh Ashely?" Anisah said sarcastically. Sehun took her hands and said " aww come on your not actually jealous are you"
"jealous of her? Psshh" Anisah yelled as she walked away with sehun following. "Come on babe seriously" sehun yelled with his arms in the air whilst walking. Baekhyun sat beside me, "your okay yeah?" He spoke softly.
Yeah I replied stroking his soft hands. "Do you think Anisah and sehun will be alright?" Baekhyun asked.
Yeah im sure they'll be fine, it's just another one of those arguments they have init, I said.
"Yeah, but Anisah seemed pretty jealous" baekhyun mumbled.
Hey, why don't we go finish that dance, I said looking at baekhyun.
"Umm I think we should head back instead, because I don't want to see ashely again if you know what mean" baekhyun nervously chuckled. We both walked slowly and silently towards our room. We stopped in front of sehun and Anisah's door. They were arguing, " I don't care if she's your noona, I still don't understand why you had to pick her up in the air like that Sehun Oh!" Anisah yelled. I could tell she was really angry because she called sehun by his last name aswell.
"Seriously, Anisah it was just a hug, nothing else!" Sehun yelled back. We quickly heared footsteps towards the door. Me and baekhyun quickly ran to down the hall and hid behind the wall, still able to see what was going on. We saw sehun walk out with his toothbrush and pyjamas in his hand, going into mine and baekhyun's room. I gulped at what was going to happen next. I'll umm sleep with Anisah today yeah?, I smiled at baekhyun.
"Yeah, it's fine, Anisah needs you and sehun needs me, hold on I've got a great idea, let's try and get them back
together, just talk to Anisah about how much she loves sehun, and I'll do the same with sehun" baekhyun said then gave me a quick peck on my lips as we left and entered the rooms.

Baekhyun's point of view:

As I entered the room sehun was sitting there, with his eyes shut. I sat in front of him waiting for him to open his eyes. "Seriously, everything was perfect until that stupid Ashely girl showed up" he growled.
I looked down not knowing what to say because I had never seen him like this. "She kicked me out, saying she needs time to think, like I don't get it what's her problem it was only a hug, why did she get so touchy about it" sehun spoke clearly. Well you did tease Anisah a bit with Ashely trying to make her more jealous, I slowly added in,
"Yeah, but I didn't know she would get this mad" sehun yelled as he got out of his seat and went to the balcony staring out at the view. I thought this was a good time to mention to mention how much he loves Anisah. I got up and approached him. You know, you and Anisah will get through this, you guys always do... I said but then sehun cut me off by saying, "I think we broke up" sehun was looking down, trying to hide his tears. "She was crying you know, I've never seen her like that, it hurt so much, I didn't know what to do or say, then she started yelling go, get out, get out leave me alone" sehun said as a tear fell onto his cheek.

End of chapter 8

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