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The day's went so fast, that we only had two more days in Hawaii. Yesterday we all went to a firework display on the beach, it was beautiful. Today was our last day to do something fun because tomorrow we had to pack everything up to leave.

We all got ready to head out to the mall, there was this really nice breakfast place that we just had to try. It was 8 in the morning, we would probably come back to the hotel at 10. We all arrived at the mall, this would be our last time here. We headed towards the cafe and ate our delicious breakfast. "Anisah, come here for a minute" baekhyun said. Anisah and baekhyun got up to talk in private.
What do you think they're talking about I said curiously to sehun.
"I'm not sure" sehun smiled whilst looking down playing with the leftover food. "That's a great idea, baek" Anisah squealed. They came back to their seats. What were you two talking about I asked.
" oh, I was telling Anisah about how...we...should all gooo...snorkelling!, today and how much she would enjoy it" baekhyun said slowly.
"Oh my god, we should go!" Me and sehun said together. We paid for our meals, then headed to a shop where
they sold items perfect for snorkelling. "YEHET!", Anisah I need to buy this" sehun said pointing at a surfboard.
"What, nooo, how are you going to even take it on the plane, you don't even know how to surf" Anisah laughed, sehun just shrugged his shoulders, before grabbing our items and paying.

We all arrived at the hotel exactly at 10.
After a little break, we all got into our swimwear and headed to the beach ready to go snorkelling. They put us onto this medium size boat. They drove the boat to the middle of the ocean. "Okay, you can go in now" the boat driver said pointing towards the water.
As soon as the boat driver spoke, we all headed a big splash. We looked towards the water. "Sehun!" Anisah yelled. Sehun straight away jumped into the water."come on now your turn" sehun said smiling at Anisah.
"Okay, 1...2..." Anisah said, but by the time she said 3, sehun grabbed her arm and had already pulled her in. It was now my turn, "wait, let's jump in together holding hands"baekhyun whispered. I laughed at his cheesiness but gladly agreed. "1...2...3!" We both said as we jumped in causing a big splash.

We all went underneath the water

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We all went underneath the water. It was so pretty, we saw loads of fishes. Baekhyun kept bumping into them.
We had spent 3 hours in the water. It went so fast. We all got back on the boat and it was freezing. Baekhyun  placed me on his lap, wrapping him and me with his towel. Sehun did the same with Anisah. The journey back was pretty long, but I didn't mind it because we were all singing and dancing and messing around. We decided to play truth or dare. "Okay baek, truth or dare?" Sehun asked slyly.
"Dare" baekhyun replied bravely.
"Ooh, I dare you to go back into the water and come back in" Anisah chuckled. Baekhyun's face dropped to the floor," ah!, aish.." Baekhyun sighed. Within a few seconds we all heard a big splash. "AGH!!, KKHABB SONG" baekhyun yelled. We all bursted into laughter. He got back on the boat shaking and shivering. We played a couple of rounds and now it was my turn. " truth or dare" sehun smirked.
Uuhhh...dare I said quite confidently,
" give baekhyun a hickey on his neck" sehun said quickly. My eyes grew bigger as I heard  him. Baekhyun was laughing then he started moving closer to me, pointing his neck towards me. I went in to give him a hickey. "Agh!, stop, stop, it tickles" baekhyun laughed. I stopped until I saw a red mark on his neck, now you know how I feel, I said loudly, which caused us all to laugh.

 I stopped until I saw a red mark on his neck, now you know how I feel, I said loudly, which caused us all to laugh

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We all came back to the beach, we straight away headed to the hotel." Hey, let's all go to the spa!" Anisah said with her teeth shivering because she was still cold. Sehun had his arms wrapped around her, "yeah okay" sehun replied rocking Anisah back and forth. We all went into the spa, as we entered relaxing spa music was playing, everything was peaceful. We all got into the jacuzzi. "Agh!, kkahb song, it's hot!" Baekhyun yelled. Ssshh I snapped not wanting us to get kicked out. After the jacuzzi we all had massages, then the boys headed back to the rooms, me and Anisah stayed for the nail manicure and face masks. The best part of this is that it's all free!.

Me and Anisah came back to our rooms, "ah' y/n, baeks in here" Anisah yelled. I entered the other room to find sehun and baekhyun watching golf on the tv. "GOAL!!" Baekhyun shouted.
What?, your watching golf I laughed.
"Anyway, feel our faces, it's so soft" Anisah squealed. The boys felt our faces, "yah!, so smooth" the boys said together. We all laughed then got ready to have dinner. "Last day tomorrow" Anisah sighed as we were walking back to our rooms after dinner. "Goodnight" Anisah and sehun said as they walked into their room. Me and baekhyun entered our room. We got into bed and cuddled together as we watched a movie on the tv. "Today was fun" baekhyun said as he nuzzled his face into my neck. Ahh baek stop that it tickles, I giggled. But baekhyun didn't stop. " I love you" baekhyun said again as he kissed my lips.
I love you too I said in between kisses.
"Move in with me" baekhyun whispered in my ear. My eyes got bigger, huh? I questioned.
" you" I said slowly realising what baekhyun had just said.
"yeah!, think about it, also sehun has been planning to buy a house for Anisah and surprise her, so that would mean that you would be alone, and I don't want you to be alone, I want you to be with me" he smiled whilst caressing my cheek.
Wow, baekhyun...your so cheesy I said as I put my head onto his chest.
"Sleep on it" baekhyun said as he kissed my forehead.
Goodnight Byun Baekhyun , I said as I rested my head against his chest, closing my eyes.

End of chapter 11:

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