WELL, this is yet ANOTHER tag! Goodness more questions... yaaay. This time, I got tagged by SoupyBudder again .-.
RULES: 1: You must post the rules
2. You must answer all 13 questions
3. you must tag 13 people
4. You can't say "I don't do tags"
5. One week to answer
6. Make a creative and miss leading title!
Question time!!
1: anime or books? 2: First crush? 3: Favorite anime? 4: Favorite book series? 5: Happiest moment? 6: saddest moment? 7: Greatest fear? 8: Best friend? 9: Most embarrassing moment? 10: Eye color? 11: Hair color? 12: Funniest person you know? 13: OTP?
Answer time!
1- Anime bro
2- sorry but this one's a little to private for me..
3- oh jeez.. Black butler, or naruto ._. Edit- I am now adding in free, and kuroko no basket. sorry, Itried not to interferewith it but I just needed to say this.
4- Harry Potter
5- My mom getting a job
6- When my cat passed away..
7- Losing the ones I love. they mean everything to me. I don't know what I'd do without them.
8- Mizu! She's always been there for me :3
9- When I was small, I didn't english very well, so when someone asked me what I wanted to drink one day, I yelled "I DRUNK" and didn't understand why people were laughing until 2 years later.
10- teal (mostly green)
11- Brown with green highlights
12- Probably mizu.. She can always make me laugh when Im sad
13- uuuuuhhh... just one? Sorry but I have too say Bagginsheild >.<
Now, more questions! woo..
1- Do you like anime? A:Do you have to ask? Of course mate!
2- Whats your sexual orientation? A: Straight (technically gray scale ace)
3- Age? A: 14
4- Current Country? A: America boi
5- Favorite Character? A: uuuuuh.. Max from Where the Wild Things Are
6- why do you use wattpad? A:Well I get bored quite a bit.
7- Battery percent? A:71%
8- Favorite season? A:Winter and fall (A.K.A. Autumn cause I've been told it's called diffrent names in other countries)
9- Left handed or right handed? A:when it comes to writing things I'm right handed, but I can use both