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"There is no absolute truth. There is only your truth."

- Debasish Mridha

Every angel has one Soul they are destined to protect. Every single angel has a single Soul that belongs to them in all the most sacred ways. The problem is there was only one single Soul that belongs to them. Once that Soul has traveled to Heaven the angel is expected to return to work. Do as their told without mourning the loss of what was theirs. For that angel this Soul shines bright in its own way. It fuels the angel. The angel feeds off that, falls in love with it. Every single time.

Heaven always expects them to return to their post without mourning. Without wishing for more. Without wanting to follow the Soul to their heaven. Some make it through the loss. Only barely but they do it. They become bitter and harsh. Uncaring. They grow to resent humanity, resent the other angels who have never been where they were. A very small few were kinder. They make an effort to protect their brothers and sisters from the fate of being a Guardian.

Some angels Fall from it. In more way than one. Sometimes they cannot protect their Soul enough and their Soul ends up in Hell. The angel cannot bear it. They end up Falling from Heaven, doing something that warrants it. They lose themselves completely. A Fallen Angel goes to Hell in death. In their eyes, they can at least see their Soul there. Maybe it is true. Maybe it is never worth it. They cannot bear to be without them, knowing the truth, so they do not care.

Other angels, they cannot stand the bar that keeps them from their Soul's heaven. They cannot handle the closeness of the Soul. Close but beyond their reach.

There is a single place in Heaven, a dark place. In the place of light, of beauty and sun and purity. There is a single dark place. A place drenched in feathers, bodies, silver angel blades, and golden blood. A place where angels go to die. Their final act. The most unforgiveable sin in the eyes of humans is the most difficult act in existence for an angel. Breaking off so completely, losing everything, and destroying themselves. Breaking every order, even the one imbedded in all creatures, the need to survive. They pull their blade and run it through their own Grace, the equivalent of a human Soul. They destroy themselves.

This dark place, known as The Graveyard, is a place no one speaks of.

As time went by more and more angels found their humans, they went through the pattern, each time it happened. They died, fell, or broke. The younger angels, the ones unburdened, they avoided Earth. They did not want to risk what had happened to their brothers and sisters.

Samuel was one of these angels, he would sit on the edge of the dark spot in Heaven. He would sit and he would stare at the bodies of his brothers and sisters. Allow them to remind him why he could not step onto Earth.

Why he could not feel.


The Enochian rang through heaven and the young angel lifted his gaze to meet the face of a newly vesseled Uriel. One of his many broken brothers. Broken by his Soul. A bitter angel, a hateful angel. Samuel did not like this angel. It was a deeply hidden secret, possibly to himself even, he did not like Uriel. Any of the bitter broken angels, the ones who had suffered from the loss of their Souls were unlikeable. Uriel was in his garrison though, it made it worse.

"Yes, Brother?" Samuel did not look up. Instead he chose to stare at the dark spot of Heaven. Ignore his brother and maybe he would leave him be.

"Zachariah has given us an order. We are to gather our garrison." The order was clear; he was not supposed to question it. It did not make sense.

He asked, "Where are we going, Brother?"

His brother's eyes flashed white in his vessel, angry for a brief moment, then it disappeared. "We are taking to Hell. A man is there. We must raise him before he begins it." The dread in his brother's tone said what his words did not. The Apocalypse. They had been charged with the task of preventing The Apocalypse.

"Who is The Righteous Man?" Samuel was aware he had the right to know the name. This was the man who may begin The Apocalypse.

The way Uriel spoke the name might have sent a chill down Samuel's spine, if he had possessed a spine. "His name is Gabriel Novak. Now go, Brother. Collect the garrison, and stop sitting here and mourning them. They chose their fates." In a flutter of wings Samuel was gone, the name Gabriel rattling in his skull like a promise.

Uriel was left in the dark spot, staring at the bodies of many of their brothers and sisters, the broken and destroyed ones. "You cowards." The words rang through the air, quiet and lethal. Uriel no longer thought on what may have been with his Soul. It was easier that way. With a flutter of wings Uriel was gone from there and their garrison dove for Hell.

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