18: Always Make Pristine Offerings To Goddesses

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Samuel watched the man with the glowing Soul leave with the god who was Debriel. Something about that Soul had kept him entranced and angered him when the god had attempted to harm it. Something was wrong and he knew it. The problem was he could not place it. Despite the fact that he knew something was wrong, try as he might, he could not grasp that piece of information. Angels had perfect memories, yet everything since his trip to Hell was broken and distorted. His language centers were fried and his connection to Heaven was distorted.

Naomi had to have done it. That he did remember. He remembered being taken to Heaven, though he was unsure why, and Naomi strapping him down to a table…

“What did you idjits do to my house!” A voice was yelling, the words falling on his ears and making no sense. That voice he recognized. It was… Robert, or Bobby Singer.

“It was Dean!” Castiel’s voice was defensive. Castiel. He remembered that name as well though any memories associated with it were gone. Something to do with Lucifer… What had Naomi done to him?

Samuel looked out the window, tuning into Angel Radio to the best of his ability. “The angel who brings me our Fallen brother Debriel will be rewarded. He has committed crimes against Heaven and released a prisoner from the cells. A dangerous prisoner that must be contained again. Brothers and sisters, hear me out. I know many of you once idolized Debriel. He is no longer the brother you knew. Debriel is dangerous now.” Raphael had been telling them this ever since he had woken but the words had rang false, which was almost ironic considering Lucifer was promising them their Souls. How honest Lucifer’s promises felt. Promising eternity with their Soul. It was so tempting. The idea of eternity with his Soul.

Except he did not have a Soul. He had made sure of that. Why did it seem so tempting?

There had to be something obvious that he was missing. Something stupidly clear that he could not place.

Naomi had done something to him. Something he could not place. Something that left him aching and in pain. A gaping hole in his Grace that felt wrong. His wings shook behind him and stretched out as he cloaked himself before flying to where he knew Gabriel was.


Dean and Gabriel landed in the center of a field, the ex-archangel stumbling slightly with the landing and Gabriel collapsing to his knees, puking up what little he had in his stomach.

“Damnit.” Dean muttered as Gabriel wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his jacket, shooting an angry glare at Dean as he took in the surroundings. “No wings. Pagan transit is a bit different.” There was a barn off in the distance that reminded Gabriel of the place they’d summoned Sam.

“I thought you were using god powers before.” Gabriel accused as he forced himself to his feet, fighting back the lingering nausea.

Dean shook his head, “I was hiding my grace and all of Heaven’s powers but they still kept me rooted. I’ve been using pagan magic to conjure things for decades but to travel. It’s not close to the same. Missed the destination by a bit.”

“Were you aiming for that?” Gabriel asked, nodding towards the barn. Dean shook his head.

“Three states west from here. Probably lucky we didn’t land in the ocean.” Dean made an irritated sound, “Being a god without my Grace…massive difference. Why do you think my Vessel was dying? He’s the True Vessel for an archangel but wasn’t made to host a god. If I hadn’t used that magic to root myself to it, I would’ve Fallen and been reborn as a human baby when I ripped my Grace out.”

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