2. The Tempation of The Snake

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It had been a week since Samuel had seen his Soul. He was becoming ever more restless but what remained of his garrison had been stationed in Jerusalem to protect fifteen of the seals. It had started out as a simple task, especially simple for him as he still had residual power from his Soul. Things had changed throughout the week however. At the beginning, that power had given him strength to spare, the power to cut through demons with little to no effort, as the week went on Samuel began to understand why his brothers and sisters broke after their Soul died. The power began to drain and fade. It was not only effecting his life, his brother's as well. His impaired fighting skills were not the only problem.

The voice of Lucifer was another problem, the promises and temptation, they did not help. They made it all worse. One of Samuel's brothers, Inias, turned on them in the middle of their battle. He ran his blade through Hester before anyone could realize what had happened. After Balthazar had killed him they became aware of another problem. They would not only have to defend the city from the outside but they would have to watch for their brothers and sisters turning on the inside.

Things continued to get progressively worse, after five days of onslaughts of demon armies Lucifer spoke four words. "Join us or die." The most bitter of the words he had spoken. A promise. A dangerous promise from the Fallen Archangel that rang a warning.

That was when the angels arrived. The ones that Lucifer had drawn in since The First Seal broke.

The battles became messier following this, it was no longer a simple task of smiting or running blades through demons. There were angels, their brothers and sisters, many from Samuel's very own garrison. The angels that attacked them were merciless, they slashed and killed, dodged and ducked. They knew how to battle angels. They had trained with them.

Those four words were the only aggressive words Lucifer spoke during that battle. Following the arrival of the angels Lucifer's promises returned. "Brothers, sisters, lay down your weapons. Lay them down and join me. Turn around and I will protect them. Your Souls are precious. They belong to you. They will be yours forever if you join me."

"Samuel!" Samuel barely ducked as a blade came stabbing for his head, Balthazar's quick warning the only thing that had saved him. Stabbing the demon with a stolen angel blade was a simple task, he caught the corrupt creature in the stomach and ripped up, cutting the vessel near in half. "Brother, you need to go. This battle is no longer yours." Balthazar materialized inches in front of him, giving him a hard look that said there was no arguing this. He was probably right to do so. Lucifer had been drawing him in. Tempting him. "Go to Hannah and tell her you need to return to your Soul. I am sorry, Brother but you are doing more harm than good."

In truth, Balthazar was not sorry, he was protecting everyone else. Samuel would either get himself killed in this battle by the distraction caused by Lucifer's words or he would give into the Fallen Archangel and turn on his brothers.

In the same moment Balthazar turned to run a blade through the chest of demon that had appeared behind him Samuel spread his wings and flew, arriving in Heaven. Heaven was quieter than it had been a week ago. Most all of the angels were on Earth at this point in time, defending Seals.

He wandered down the tunnel of Heaven, willing his pathway through several different locations until he came across the one heaven he knew he would find Hannah in.

The heaven was a simple one, a young girl no older than five with a truly pure Soul. A child that had been killed as the consequence of a demon deal. This child meant more to Hannah than any other angel on the planet. It was not her Soul. No angel was allowed to see their Soul. This was her Soul's daughter. The child had died about a week following her Soul's death. It had been a mess. The husband had sold his daughter's life in exchange for his wife's return. When the demon had attempted to bring the Soul back it had not worked. The barrier in Heaven forbade the resurrection of the known Souls of angels. With or without demon deals. The demon had left the fine print out of it when they made the deal. He had attempted her revival, and failed, then the daughter had died.

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