What you need to know XD

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Full Name: Naya Illa Inferno MacLeod

Age: unknown

Species: 1/2 Angel 1/2 Demon

Weapons: Angel blade, a katana made from metal's from hell and heaven

Personality: snarky, smartass, sassy, can be cold and full of hate if she hate you, deadly can be heartless, sarcastic

Nick names: A-ya,

Known to demons and angels as: Hells Angel

Parents: Crowley MacLeod and????

Bio; Naya was born in heaven literally her mother knowing she would be in danger that angels or god was going to try and kill her, so her mother brought her to earth summoning her father Crowley, the first thing that Crowley sees when he returns to where he was summoned was the baby girl in his old lovers arms the girl staring at him he knows she is his daughter, the women hands Naya to him and whispered keep Naya safe
**XD that was just a little of when she was bornish**

Name: Jordan

Age: unknown

Species: demon

Weapon: unlimited

Personality: funny, sweet, sarcastic,

Known as: The Slayer

Bio: Jordan is known as the Slayer, she is know as such cause she is merciless and doesn't care who she kills as long as the price is high enough ((except Naya and grace wouldn't kill them for the world))

Name; Grace


Species: Angel

Weapon: Angel blade, riffle

Personality: can seem innocent be isn't that really, sarcastic, silly

Known as: Diamond

Bio: grace is known as diamond because when she kills demon angels etc she leaves a little tiny diamond, that usually shines bright giving away so she is now know as Diamond and like Jordan will kill anyone if the price is right ((except Naya and jordan))


Well humans the pictures atop are what Jordan, Grace, and Naya looks like just so you don't wonder why I didn't put looks,

See y'all humans
Paige XD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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