Time for Battle! In a dance?!

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Beatrix & Sora's home in Death City

"Alright now that we are somewhere safe with no one dangerous around, let's talk about your past. So you told me that you are a vampire and another monster type. Is that other monster type you being a snake?"

"Not really. I was born from her body, but at the same time, like she did to Crona, she experimented on me too. I was originally like Medusa with snake powers but I was sent out on a mission to defeat a kishin who was a lowly vampire. I got cocky in the fight and it took that opportunity to hit me when I least expected it to. Obviously, I attacked him back but I didn't notice his blood mixed in with mine. When I got home, Medusa decided to experiment on me and with more experimentation, I slowly lost my snake powers and she amplify the vampire blood to take my whole body and well..."

Sora looks hesitant to tell her and she took his left hand in hers,

"Tell me. Remember, I'm basically just like you, two monsters in one. I promised you that I will never leave you, just liked you promised me you will be my weapon."

"....I'm a vampire and part werewolf."

"Werewolf?! That's a weird pairing. Then again, I'm a demon and vampire. Sooo I guess it's not too weird. But... where does the werewolf side of you come from?"

"As I said, with the more experimentation... She increased the kishin's blood but since she saw how well it was mixing in with my black blood, she decided to inject a different blood in me. I don't know who's blood it is but I just know it belonged to a werewolf."

"Does that mean you can transform into one?! Do you look scary?! I wanna see!"

"Umm, I don't think so... Whenever I turn into a werewolf I go insane. I mean, who wouldn't? Plus I never like werewolves or dogs, to begin with. This is like a curse to me, really. I prefer just being a vampire, I wouldn't mind."

"Is that why you wear that mask so often?"

"Pretty much. There are times where that side of me decides to come out and I hide it with the mask. That's why I have different eye colors."

"I don't see why you're complaining Sora."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, excuse me for my bluntness but I think it's pretty hot to have two different eye colors. It makes you stand out and look more badass than you usually are."

Sora looks at her annoyed while she was smiling at him,

"Are you saying that to make me feel better?"

"If that was the case, I would have told you to suck it up."

He laughs a bit and slightly looks away,

"Very true. You also would have called me a puss."

"Of course! Now let's see what Ciel is up to. After that, we gotta make it for that dance. Otherwise, we would never hear the end of it."

"Let's go then."



Trains are usually relaxing and fun, right? Well, not this one. In this particular train were Ciel and Sebastian, figuring out their case that the queen assigned them and when they left their seats and went to the next car, they saw unusual people. When a man wearing a hat and brown coat, was telling the people to not worry and be calm for the assassin that they were escorting was under strict watch. The people stopped yelling at each other and then started to freak out and stepped on the man who was now on the floor.

"Looks like these people are afraid to die by the assassin no doubt. How funny humans can be."

Sebastian and Ciel looked to see Beatrix and Sora sitting in the seats and playing cards.

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