The Eve Party Nightmare and So the Curtain Rises?

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"I'm almost there! These stupid vines!" Sora saw that Hannah and Alois were walking away and going in the clock tower and yelled at the demons.

"You two! Better get here fast otherwise, none of you will get what you want!"

They nodded at each other and started to work together running past all the vines that tried to stop them. Sora leaped and flew into the air and cut the vines entrapping her. He grabs Beatrix and was now in his arms. He shakes her a little and she started to wake up.


"Don't sleep on the job. We got a young master to save. So are you going to keep sleeping or are you going to kick butt?"

"Since when do I ever sleep on the job? Fill me in on what's going on right now. I underestimated that damn Hannah."


(a few minutes later)

"That's a lot to take in. Well, we need to get there as soon as possible. If we keep wasting our time here, we will not witness who won but what happens to Ciel."

"Right. Let's fly princess. They left towards another location."


"We're here. Now, all we need to do is - Wait a minute is that? Hannah and Sebastian?"

"So it seems our favorite butler did win. Now, what will happen to Ciel?"

"No way..!"

"What happened? Is there something wrong? H-hey!"

Beatrix ran to where Hannah was only to see she had fallen off a cliff along with Ciel in her arms and she followed them as did Sebastian. Sora stood on land and decided to wait on them three to come up on the surface. When they did, Sebastian had Ciel in his arms and Beatrix followed him.

"I can at least try! Anything to bring Ciel back to the way he was! He can't be like that forever! He doesn't deserve it!"

"Am I missing something here?"

"Well, it looks like Alois thought outside the box and made Ciel into a demon. He's not full demon right now but he will in a few minutes if Sebastian doesn't let me do it."

"Do what exactly?"

"Take the demon blood out and dive inside of him and bring him back."

"Don't you think that's a little risky? What if you mess it up?"

"I won't! I promise on our relationship as meister and weapon that I will come back."

"That's a big promise... Fine, I'll let you do it."


"If Sora believes you can, then I guess I give you my permission as well Lady Beatrix."

"Thank you...Ciel...You aren't meant for the world of demons, sorry to say but this power will never be yours." Beatrix took Ciel into her arms and bit his neck. Once she took out some of the blood, she heals it and closes her eyes with her forehead on his.

Darkness...Is this really what becomes of me now?

After that fight, all I get out of it is to become a demon...

My contract with Sebastian will remain bound together forever.

I no longer will be human as I used to be.



Ciel! I found you!

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