Kidnapped Master and the Super Written Exam

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"Talk about some good resting. I feel like myself again. What about you princess?"

"I'm fine, thank you. At least Lord Death was nice to give us three days of rest. So, are you sure you're wounds are healed?"

"I told you to stop worrying. Geez!! Ever since that fight, you started to go crazy about me being all right. Once again, I'm fine."

"Okay! Okay! I won't push it any further. Just don't scream in my ears again."

"No promises!"

"That aside, did you study for today's super written exam? A little bat told me that if you pass it, you get to turn your weapon into a death scythe. I don't believe though, it sounds too good to be true. I think the teachers made that up just so that we don't slack on studying."

"A little wolf told me the same thing and I don't believe anything unless there's actual proof of it. I already know what's going to be in it. I got nothing to worry about."

"Suit yourself. I'll be in our room studying."

"I'll be here playing all these games you got from the crazy girl. Let's try out this shooter game."

As Sora was waiting for the game to load, he heard a buzzing sound and saw it was Beatrix's phone ringing and decided to answer it.

"Sora here and who is this?"

"Sora? Why do you have Lady Beatrix's phone?"

"Sebastian? This is a shock. If there's nothing to hide, can you tell me why you are calling the princess?"

"It seems I have run into a sort of problem and need your help."

"Well, you called at the wrong time. She's busy with some work on her hands."

"How disappointing. It seems I'm on my own."

"I never said I was busy. I'll be there in a second. Don't you worry butler."

"Very well. I shall meet you here at my location."

Sora got up and took his coat saying later princess and Beatrix stopped at the doorway and was about to ask him where he was going, but saw he was already gone. "Wonder where he went...Guess I'll get back to studying."


"Fighting two reapers, Mr.Sebastian? Glad you called me to join the fun."

"Glad to see you can make it Sora."

"Of course I did! Wouldn't want a friend to go and fight alone if he can't. By the way, where's the young lord?"

"Hiding somewhere nice and quiet. First, let us deal with these two."

Sora made a machine gun from his soul wavelength and loaded it ready.

"Fine by me. I've been wanting to fight someone after the last one."


"Okay, so what happens when you try to connect your soul wavelength with someone else other than your partner? That should be easy, Your-!"

What the?! What is this feeling I'm having? It's not coming from Death City, not from Ouran, not the castle, but...Does it have to do with Ciel? I did study all I can for today, might as well see what's going on with his Soul.

"Alright! Time to take a break from the studying."


"This place... Isn't this place for the crazies? What type of business does Ciel have here? Well, I might as well find him quick! What the-?!" The ceiling started to rumble and cracks were being made. Beatrix then started to make a run for it, killing the men that were in her way.

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