♣ Sebastian Michaelis ♣

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Sebastian Michaelis
Kuroshijitsu / Black Butler

"Darling!!" My Mom called me. I ran down the stairs of our big mansion. Lifting a little bit of my white gown so I won't get tripped.

"Yes, Mother?" I said as I walk inside her study room. Her room was relaxing and calm.

" “Name”.. I have a job for you" She said while looking out at the windows. The windows showed the beautiful garden that the maids took care of.

"What job?" I asked. She usually gives me jobs that aren't that heavy. My mother is the wife of a president who owns a big company. Sadly though,  My father died because of an accident..

People who saw the accident were saying that the carriage that he was in suddenly went out of control. The horses suddenly ran. Even though the coach didn't do anything.

Now, My mother is running the business. I helped her by attending the meetings and partys. I was the one who make the negotiations. While she do the paperwork.

"I got a client at The Phantomhive Manor. His name is Ciel Phantomhive. Please do make a deal with this company. His company could make our company sky rocket to the top" She said.

"Got It. I'll be leaving in a few minutes with Jason" I said and exited the study.

What “Name”  doesn't know is that  a man came out from the shadows.

"Good Job, Mrs.  “Last Name” " He said. He smirked and fades away. Her mom silently cried. She regrets at what she has done to her dear daughter. Her only family.

"Jason!!" “Name” yells. Jason is her Butler. Not like Sebastian,  But he is reliable and handsome. He is human.

"Yes, Miss “Name”?"

"Let's go to the Phantomhive Manor. I need to seal a deal with Ciel Phantomhive" She said while taking her stuffs.

"Alright Miss.." He said and walks off to prepare the carriage.

“Name” is now preparing for her stuffs. She brought her usual stuff. She keeps a pocket knife at her leg. A gun at her other leg.

"Your carriage is ready Miss “Name” "

"Let's Go Jason" As she gets on the carriage with Jason following her action.


"We're here Miss “Name” " Jason announced.

She walks down and stared at the mansion before her.

It was big! Bigger than her house!

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It was big! Bigger than her house!

She admired the mansion.

" Miss “Name” ? Let's go" Jason snapped her from her tranced state. "Oh yes.." She walked towards the entrance.

A man with red eyes and jet black hair opens the door. “Name” examined his clothes. He is wearing a butler uniform. He must be one of the butlers in this mansion. She thought.

"Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor, Miss “Name” " He smirked. “Name” shivers at his action. “Name” is feeling weird. “Name” is not easy to be scared. But just by this mere butler's appearance,  she is already shakened up.

"Where is the owner?"

"I'm here" A boy with blue hair said while he accends the stairs slowly.

"Hello there,  Ciel Phantomhive. Let's make this quick" She said.

"Please this way, Miss" The butler showed the way.

They were in the study room. Only the 4 of them. As they are signing the deal, “Name” felt as if she was being watched by someone.

"Now that's done, I will be going now" she said and walked hurriedly towards the exit

"Why not a snack miss?" The Butler said.

"No thanks." She said and she almost made it when she felt pain at her back of her head.

She slowly feels unconcious and fainted at the hands of Sebastian.

"You finally belong to me Darling ~" Sebastian touches her cheek.

"LET GO OF HER!" Jason yells as he charged towards him.

"Go Away" Sebastian said and Jason's neck got slaughtered.

I wake up slowly. I opened my eyes but the room is different. There aren't many lightings here... I slowly get up but my hands are chained to the bed.

I walked towards the door but my feet was chained to the bed so I can't reach the door.

The chains are really old. I can try to cut it with my knife. But I can't reach my knife as it is at my foot. I tried to reach it but failed to do so.

"Someone.. HELP ME!" I yelled. But no one came. I yelled at what seemed like hours to me.

"Your so loud Darling~"

The door creaked open. The Scary Butler from before came in with a tray of snacks. He puts it down and smiled at me.

"Come on Darling,  Sit down" He pats at the space beside him.

"No! Why am I here?! Where is Jason?! Who are you?!" I yelled at him.

"Calm Down darling. Your at the basement of the Phantomhive Manor. My name is Sebastian.  I don't know where Jason is. Maybe dead.." He smirked at the word dead..

My eyes widened as I now understand it. I let out a few tears. "H-How could you.. What have I done to you.. What.." I sobbed.

He hugs me. Soothing me. "You did one crime darling.." He whispers it to my ears.

"You stole my heart"

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