♦ Sasuke Uchiha ♦

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Sasuke Uchiha

"Itachi!" I yelled as I ran to him.

"What's wrong, “Name” ?" He asked me.

"So Today is the day?" I asked him.

Today is the day where we, the Akatsuki Group, attacks Konoha. I was waiting for this moment. I hate Konoha. They never helped the weak. They hated the weak. I was once the weaklings. But I grew strong. And one thing in my mind.


The Akatsuki Group takes me under their wing and I trained with them. I can sing and those who hear it,  will die. My singing  is my power.

"Yes “Name” , Today's the day" He said. I remembered that he has a little brother there.

"Can you introduce me to your brother?"  I said.


"Why not?" I asked.

"He hates me." He replied while looking down. I noticed his eyes was filled with sorrow. I shouldn't have asked..

"I-I'm sorry.." I looked down. Feeling guilty.

"It's okay" He petted my head.

"All right!  Akatsuki Members, Regroup!" Pain yells. We all teleported there.

"Stick to the plan. If they start fighting back, Try to destroy everything you could" Pain said.

"Okay!" Some of us said while the others nodded.

"All Right. Go!" We all teleported away and heads towards Konoha.

This is going to be fun..

I smirked.

I silently watched the village. There weren't anything. No disturbance at all. I walked to my house but suddenly a shadow passed on top of me.

I looked at the rooftop and saw the most Beautiful girl I have ever saw. Her “Hair Color”  Coloured Hair.. Her “Eye Color”  Shines. But her cape..

She noticed me watching her and she teleported away. I followed her.

She stands at the center of the town.

She opens her mouth.

She sings a melody.

I listened to the song.

It was soothing..

But suddenly the song turned to worse and worse. Her voice wake up the whole town and people all gets out of their houses and stare at her with anger.

She smiled at them. And the beautiful smile was replaced with a frown and sounds of bom was heard everywhere.

I looked behind me and saw.. Brother destroying houses.

I watch him. He looks toward my way and looks away again. All the members of the Akatsuki were here. They were causing destruction.

I turned back to see the girl.  She was dancing.. The she opens her mouth and all sorts of bad sounds came out.

We all covered our ears.

After the sound died down,our ears doesn't function for a while.  But then it was worse.

People got slaughtered. Blood was everywhere. I quickly teleported and fight the Akatsukis. Naruto stood by my side. Sakura healed our wounds.

"I present to you all, My last performance" The girl said. She smirked.

She sings a lullaby. People stated falling. I was falling asleep to. But I stayed awake. Naruto and Sakura collapsed too.

"So Your Itachi's brother.." she stood in front of me.

I stayed silent. Aware of her power.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" She smiled at me. I blushed. I can't believe it.. I was falling for her! I was falling for th enemy!

" “Name” ! Let's Go!" A man with a Akatsuki cape came and grabs her waist. I want to kill that man.. How dare he touch her with those bloody hands!

No one touches her!

"Okay then.. Ciao!" She teleports away.

She dissappeard. I stood in the middle of hell.


Konoha was rebuilt and got better. We were ready for all sorts of attack. We've learned our lesson. We won't fall for the same trick. Many lives were lost at that day. We can't afford to lost more.

I was still searching for my beloved. I forgot to ask her name..

Suddenly,  The Alarm rings. Signalling that there are intruders. I quickly get out. I run around the town, searching for the culprit.

There was a shadow passed my head

I saw her again. Like that night.

She was breathtaking. This time, I grabbed her and hugged her. She seemed to be surprised at this.

"What's your name?"

"...“Name” "

She jerked away from me. I wasn't pleased by this. She does not have the rights to reject me!


She began to sing the same song that made everyone collapse. No way in hell am I gonna let the same thing happens twice!

I pulled her again and covers her mouth so she won't sing. She licked and bit me but those don't have any effects on me.

I carried her back to my house. I go to my bedroom and gently sewed her lips so she won't sing anymore.

I locked her to a cage beside my bed.

"You won't run away now my little birdie~"

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