♦ Jumin Han ♦

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Jumin Han
Mystic Messenger

I laughed as Seven teased Yoosung again. Yoosung exploded and Seven teased him again. The chatroom became more interesting when Zen entered!

Zen blabbered about Yoosung not being as handsome as him. Yoosung got even angrier. I only read it and laughed at them.

Then Suddenly Jumin came in. Seven began to tease him about Elizabeth the third. Jumin then said about Seven as a Cat abuser and must be punished for it.

I only laughed at them and typed somethings like cheering up for Yoosung and scolding Seven for teasing everyone.

Zen announces that he is going to have another play. I congratulated him and praised him. Yoosung said that he won another boss fight. While Seven said he bought a new car.

Jaehee also said that she has finally gotten a holiday and asked me to come with her. I agreed.

I praised them and smiled as I saw them sending Emoticons about them being happy. Then I saw Jumin leave. Everyone also noticed it.

We became worried about him. Usually he would say something like he has some work or he needs to go.. But he didn't even say goodbye..

I tried to message Jumin but he didn't answer me.

I became more worried when I saw that Jumin changed his profile picture to black and his status was 'I'll come for you'

I discussed this with everyone else. Even V came. Jaehee has also suddenly dissappeard.

We wondered if someone kidnapped him. Saeran has joined the RFA so we would never suspect him.

Then we all decided to come to his house. Zen and Saeran will be joining me while Seven, V, and Yoosung will be monitoring us and updating us with news.

We knocked at his door.

"Jumin? Are you here?"

We looked at each other and nodded.

Saeran and I stepped back while Zen go the middle of the door.

Zen banged the door and the door opened. We stepped forward and entered the door.

It was dark. I tried to turn on the lights but the electricity was off. Saeran turns on his flashlight and we started to explore the rooms.

"Seven, Any news?"

'No. I am trying to turn on the electricity'

We began to walk to the living room. No signs of Jumin or Elizabeth the third. The room was a mess though. Glass shards were on the floor. The TV was smashed. The re were papers on the floor.

We avoided the glass shards and proceeded to the other rooms.

After 30 minutes of checking the other rooms and no clue about him,  we began to walk to his bedroom.

I opened the handle and pushed the door open. My heart was beating fast. The room was so dark and gloomy. It was suffocating.

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