♠ Ayato Sakamaki ♠

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Ayato Sakamaki

Diabolik Lovers

" “Name” ~~ Let's eat some strawberry shortcakes!" Kanato-sama said while holding my foot. I was cooking dinner for the masters but Kanato-sama came in and begged me to have some tea party with him. I couldn't say no , so I finished my cooking quickly then accompany Kanato-sama with his tea party.

My name is “Full Name”. I'm “Your Age. I live and work at the Sakamaki Mansion as a maid. I have been serving for them since I was 4 Years Old. I was trained to be a servant since I was young so I have no problems with the works.

The masters were my age when I was first introduced here by their father. Although Shu-sama and Reiji-sama was 1 year older than me. The masters were cautious of me at first but soon warmed up and trusted me completely.

I was also there when the triplets... killed their mother. I was tied to the bed so I can't help the madam. When they came back to untie me, They were covered in blood.. I was surprised and terrified at the same time. I was thinking a lots of things. But they said they just drank some blood from nearby animals. I believed it.

But later on, Kanato spilled it to me. I was shocked. That's why they tied me I thought. I never dared to report it to the police as I was unable to do it. I was constantly being watched and surrounded by them. There is always 1 or 2 of the brothers by my side. I tried to reason out that I needed to buy some groceries, but they said they will buy it when they get back home.

And 2 months ago, A girl was sent here. Yui-sama. But she didn't last too long.. The brothers don't really liked her. So, Karlheinz-sama sent her home.

"-“Name”!" I looked up and saw Kanato-sama shouting my name. I was spacing out..

"I'm sorry Kanato-sama.." I smiled and poured him some tea. I stood up and walk over to his side. I grabbed my napkin and cleaned some of the crums and cream off his face. He looks like Santa Clause with all of the creams.

"She's Mine Kanato"

1 pair of arms was hugging me from behind. I sighed after hearing the voice. Here it goes again..

"She isn't yours! She belongs to us all! You must share !" Kanato pulled my hand but the other force is too strong. "She belongs only to Yours Truly and only I can touch her!"

"Ayato-sama.. I do not belong to you only.. I belong to all the brothers.." I said calmly at him. He pouted at my scolding but then pulled me to an embrace.This boy.. Is the hardest among all the brothers here.. He is so possesive over me.. I'm gonna die of suffocation if he keeps on hugging me like this..

"You are mine “Name”. I don't care if you refuse to acknowledge it  but You are mine and will always be"


" “Name”  , Will you help me with this ?" Reiji-sama asked me. I nodded and hold the beaker that has some purple water in it.. What is he making? Some kind of potions that witches has? Poison?

" “Name” , Pour it in this beaker" He gives me another beaker with green water.. I grabbed the beaker and pour the purple water to the green water. Suddenly, Smokes came out of the beaker. I accidentally dropped the beakers but fortunately, Reiji-sama catched it on time. I sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry Reiji-sama.. I will not do i-" My vision began to get blurry. There was 2 Reiji-sama's! No.. 3! No...4!! I felt being shooked "Reiji-sama.." I whispered and collapsed.


" “Name” !!" I opened my eyes and saw Ayato-sama beside me. I tried to sat up but my body instantly felt being shot. "You can't move “Name”!" Laito-sama said. He puts me back to a sleeping position.

"I'm sorry for my mistake “Name” ... I shouldn't have made you do it for me.." Reiji-sama apologized. I smiled warmly at him and said "It's fine, Reiji-sama. I am only a maid so you can do anything to me. I won't mind it. It's good that only I'm hurt and none of the masters are hurt."

All the masters gave me a hurt look. Why?

The other brothers finally left and only Ayato-sama stayed beside me. "Ayato-sama, You should take care of your own business.. I'm fine.. I can take care of myself" I tried to smile at him but he said he isn't busy with anything.

I fell asleep quite quickly.


I woke up to a loud shouting coming from outside. I tried to move but my body still hurts and I am tied to the bed.. Again?

Oh no.. Is it happening again? Who will they kill next?

I need to think of a plan.. I can't have anybody hurt or even worse, killed!

"HELP ME!" I yelled. I need to distract them..

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. My heart was rapidly beating fast. What if's began to crowd my thoughts. I'm scared. I'm terrified.


The door was slammed open and I saw the red haired master appeared.


He ran to my bedside and checked if I was okay. "A- Ayato-sama.. Who was shouting?" I asked him. He frozed for a second. He faced me but then smiled a forced smile. "It's just your imagination “Name” ! I didn't hear anything!" He laughed.

I kept quite. My imaginations? But I heard it perfectly well.. " “Name” !!!" I saw Shu-sama ran in with some blood on his clothes. What is going on?!

"Shu-sama! Why are yo-" "You must escape this mansion “Name” ! Qui-"


I felt murderous auras emiting from Ayato-sama. I looked at him and he was looking down. I also noticed he was holding a bloody knife.. His hair has some dark coloured red in some place.. I scooted closer to Shu-sama , Shu-sama silently loosen up the ropes.

"Just when “Name” started to trust me.. You came in and DESTROY EVERYTHING!" He pointed the knife at Shu-sama. I flinched a bit at his sudden move. Oh no.. "I WILL KILL YOU!" He started to run to Shu-sama but I blocked him. "You can't Ayato-sama!" I said with hope of turning him back to normal.

"... Fine.." He lowered his knife. I sighed in relieve and stepped out. Shu-sama also sighed.

"Then I guess I just have to suck him.." Ayato-sama quickly teleports to Shu-sama's side and bite his neck. "NO!" I tried to stand up but my body is still weak. "You can't Ayato-sama! You can't !" I began to sob and soon , tears flow quickly.

He dropped the now corpse and walked to me.

"Didn't I say your mine even if you don't acknowledge it?~"

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