♥ Saeyoung Choi (707) ♥

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Saeyoung Choi / 707

Mystic Messenger

I once again pressed the main screen of Mystic Messenger and waited for the game to load. I've been playing this game for a while now. My friend introduced me to this game and I wasn't interested in it at first but then I saw her play it and a lot of people have played it so I thought why not play it. Before I knew it, I got addicted to it already. I already finished all of the Casual Stories characters and now I'm currently playing Jumin's route.

There were a lot of people who made theories resets and Seven. But I don't really know if their true or not. After the loading screen is done, I quickly go to the eleventh day. I'm finally finished with Jumin's route and next is Seven's route. I'm quite looking forward to Seven's route because a lot of people said that Seven sometimes could break the fourth wall. Like how he said that the staffs making this game is tired and a lot more. It's scary and exciting at the same time.

After the ending song, I waited for time to pass so I could start playing Seven's route at exactly 12 AM. I hate it when I missed the chatrooms and had to use the hourglass to enter it. I decided that I should sleep so that I wouldn't get tired while playing in the morning.

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I reached for my phone and saw that it was now exactly 12 AM. I opened the application and waited for the loading screen again. Since the update, the design of the main screen changed and it was much cooler than the other one. It also has the voice actors voices. I began playing Seven's route and decided to skip the chat with Saeran since I've seen it for four times.

Strangely, I saw the screen glitched a bit but was back to normal. I thought that maybe it was just another bug so I just ignored it and continue playing.

"(Y/N)!" My friend called me. I turned around and greeted her back. She ran to my side and hugged my shoulders. "Why didn't you answer any of my texts! I was spamming you like hell and you didn't even read it! Don't try to say that you weren't checking on your phone because I know you better than anyone." She said. I was a bit confused. I didn't receive any messages yesterday.. "But I didn't receive any of you're texts at all.."

"What? Let me check you're phone!" She grabbed my phone forcefully and checked the messages. There were literally no texts incoming. "What? How is that possible? Look! I sent a bunch of texts to you yesterday!" She showed me her phone and she was right. She sent me a load of texts. "Maybe my phone is getting old.. I should get it repaired tomorrow.." She nodded and we headed to class together.

After school was over, I went back to my apartment and jumped on my bed. I checked my phone and sighed. I heard my phone buzz and checked who sent me a message but it was just a notification from Mystic Messenger. I sighed in disappointment but still checked the notification. Seven sent a message.. I opened it and shocked to see ..

'Don't leave me'

I turned my phone off and put it far away from me. What? How? But I remembered that people said that Seven would sometimes break the fourth wall so I thought it was normal. I continued to play it like normal. I would sometimes peek from the walkthrough when I'm confused with what to pick. I decided to open my phone and check the message and apparently, the message disappeared. Maybe I'm just dreaming..

I open the app and was about to click the chatroom when suddenly the screen went black. The screen went back on and someone was calling me. To be specific, Seven. "W-What?" I decided to answer the call to see if this is just a glitch or not.

"Hello, Hello?" A deep voice came to the phone. It sounded like he was depressed and sad. I waited for the choices to appear but nothing appeared. But it never came. " (Y/N)? Are you there? Please speak to me" "W-What?" My voice barely came out as a whisper. "I can finally hear your beautiful voice.. Please talk more.."

I hesitated to speak but decided It was best to interrogate him. "Seven... How could you speak to me? What did you do?" Seven was silence at first but then begin to talk. "I hacked the game so that I could talk to you with my own words and not what I was programmed to talk" I widened my eyes and quickly pressed the end call button. But It didn't stop. 

"Naughty, naughty (Y/N)... How could you want to leave me? I loved you... I've shown you my love. I wanted you to love me. Yet, why didn't you love me back? Why?WHY?!"

I was speechless. "I-"  "But It's okay. We can get to know each other better later. For now, I need to do something else. Wait for fo me, okay (Y/N)?" His voice was dark at the end of his talk. He ended the call and I was back to the main screen of my phone. I need to contact the developer ASAP!"

After emailing Cheritz about the problem, I decided to buy a new phone. Luckily, I still had the money my parents gave me. After buying a new phone, I checked the emails to see that Cheritz has answered my email. They said that there was a glitch and they had fixed it. I re-installed the game and continued my game. 

I thought the glitch was already fixed but suddenly my screen glitched again and my phone suddenly emitted a blinding shine. I covered my eyes with my hands and closed my eyes to shield it from the blinding light. I feel my body floating for a second before falling into a cushion?

I slowly opened my eyes to see a different room than mine. It is oddly familiar... Almost everything in this room is red. It was a mess. Honey Buddha Chips wrapper scattered around and there were papers everywhere. I felt a presence behind me and was too afraid to turn around. I finally remembered whose room is this. 

I feel someone wrapping their arms around my waist, making me feel warm. "I can finally feel you~ You're so warm and soft (Y/N)... I can finally have you as a whole. You're finally mine and mine alone..." God no.. 

I apologize for the delay... I'm sorry if this is not satisfying at all. Thank you @QueenNerdlyfor requesting, you've probably forgotten about it but thank you anyways. :)

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