♥ Kim Taehyung ♥

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Kim Taehyung / V
BTS (Bangtan Boys)

" "Name" !! Hi!!" My friends yelled from afar. I smiled and waved them. They ran to me and hugged me. I hugged them back.

"We're now high school students!!" I squealed. Today, we were officially high school students!

"I'm so excited!!" "Friend's Name" said.

"Let's see our classes!" I said and walk to the Notice Board. There were a lot of students crowding it. Luckily, I'm taller than average girls so I can easily see the board.

(if you're not tall, then be happy coz your tall here :D)

"We're on the same class!!!" I said to them. They all hugged me and I hugged them back.

I see the board one more time and scanned the names in our class. There is the School's Prince and him..

Not bad I guess..

We walk to class and sit right at the back of the class.

"OMG!! The Prince is in our class!!" One of my friends squealed as she watched the Prince, Jeon Jungkook walks to the seat at the center.

"He's there!!" "Friend's Name" squealed as she pointed at the boy that is walking to the seat beside The Prince.

"Stop squealing will you! My ear's gonna bleed" I said as I rolled my eyes.

" "Name".. You're no fun.." "Friend's Name" pouted and started a new topic to talk to.

Not long after, The teacher came and the lesson began. After those long hours of homeroom, we all get to take our number seats. I opened my paper.


I look at the black board. 13 is right at the center.. Damn..

I walk to the table and place my stuffs there. My friends are quite far away from me.

I sensed someone moved beside me.

Must be 14.

I looked beside me, and found the him there. He looked at me and smiled his cute smile. I smiled back.

From then on, you could say we became sort of like friends. Though it's quite annoying how he always manages to forget about his eraser, he always borrows mine.

I didn't notice this at first until my friend told me but he began to cling to me. When I eat with my friends, he will join in. It was awkward for the first time. But then, we grow used to it and let him in our gang.

He began to become.. a little weird.. He would glare at every boy that passes me. He would circle his arm around my waist, to which I always remove it.

He never allows me to group with my friends. Only him. My only privacy time is in toilet. I would chat and talk with my friends about how weird the situation is right now. We became wary of him.

He was becoming too.. possesive. We are not lovers! I always try to stay far away from him, but he will pull me back using any method.

I sometimes ask Jungkook to help me, which he did and succeeded.

I become close to Jungkook. Too close for his liking.

He began sending text messages. All of them were about how much he loves me, how much he hates Jungkook, etc.

I blocked him, but he always manages to make a new account! It was scary! I lose my sleeping time because of it.

My complexion gradually turns to an unhealthy color. I was scared at him. I would always stay wide awake at night. Fearing he would come.

But he once takes it way too far.

He took a photo of me, sleeping in bed.

I slapped him and yelled at him.


But, that didn't stop him.

He stopped the spamming of the text messages. He becomes less clingy and it was better.

At least that was what I thought

"YOU STALKER! YOU'RE SUCH A CREEP! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She yells at me. It broke my heart. I tried to leave her alone. But I can't.

I love her way too much to not do anything to her. I watch as she walks with Jungkook. She is smiling at him! Her smile is only for me!!

That night, I went on rampage and killed Jungkook. It was the best choice.

The next day, "Name" cried. I hugged her and soothed her. Saying soft stuffs.

We become close again.

This time, I learned my lesson and be a gentleman towards her.

She accepted me when I confessed. I was beyond happy. I kidnapped her to my house and locked her.

She yell and yell at me.



"LET ME GO!!!"

I grew tired of her mouth, so I sewed her mouth and make it in a shape of a smile. I could hear her cries and sob while I was doing the deed. She'll forgive me eventually, she always does.

Once, she tried to escape me, but I captured her and give her punishment.

Now, She won't be able to walk anywhere as I have cut her legs. I hugged her body and fell asleep.

"You will love me now."

aight, i wrote this in 2015 and i wasn't that deep into them so im sorry for the nicknames! all i knew about him was he has a 4d personality type so i thought to put that in but i didn't know he didn't like being called alien. im sorry once again.

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