All Shall Fade - Chapter 7 - In Theory (LOTR)

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 7

In Theory

“Still here then?” I mumbled to the white ceiling after waking up and finding myself in my bed in Rivendell. A part of me had still been hoping to wake up in bed at home. I yawned and rolled out of bed, wincing as my blistered feet hit the floor. I’d have to see if they had any blister patches lurking around… But then again, why would they? Why would you need blister patches when you live in a mythical world full of Elves with magical healing powers? It’s all absolute bull if you ask me.

I sighed and looked around, taking in my room for the first time. No surprise, everything was white, silver or a pale gold. It seemed like they had a strict colour-scheme going on here… The room wasn’t big, but not too small. Just right. “Ugh, you sound like Goldilocks now.” I snorted at myself as I walked over to the curtained floor-to-ceiling window that inhabited one side of the room. As I pulled back the curtains I was surprised to find no glass. It wasn’t a window after all – it was a freaking balcony. “Sweet.” I grinned as I looked out at the pale dawn. My balcony had a fantastic view of the surrounding area. It was nothing like any landscape I had seen before. “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” I quoted with a sigh. Although I doubted that I’d gone for a little jaunt over the rainbow. No matter now many times I clicked my heels and said ‘There’s no pace like home’ I wasn’t going to be getting back any time soon. This place was so much nicer than my apartment back home. I’d better not get too comfy though; I needed to figure out how to get back.

With that thought in mind, I walked over to the small wooden desk that stood on the opposite side of the room and found a neat stack of paper sitting on it. It was rough, unlike modern-day paper, and felt more like fabric. It was obviously some swanky hand-made stuff. I sat down on the floor and pulled my slightly battered pencil out of my pocket and set about writing down theories about how on earth I’d ended up here.

After half an hour, I had several theories mostly based on all my sci-fi and fantasy knowledge, and they looked like this…

Theory 1

It’s a prank.

I’d pretty much immediately ruled out this one.

Theory 2

It’s a dream.

This was also ruled out.

Theory 3

Cross-dimensional travel. ‘Middle Earth’ is actually a parallel dimension and the weird pine-tree was like a ‘gate’ between the two worlds. Maybe I can use it to get back? Or maybe there are other ‘gates’?

I liked this theory, because it meant there was a chance I could get home. I liked the diagram too.

I stared at the pieces of paper scattering the floor before adding a few more.

Theory 4

I’ve finally gone mad and this is all in my head and in reality I’m sitting in a straight jacket in a mental ward somewhere.

All Shall Fade (LOTR-Wattys 2014)Where stories live. Discover now