All Shall Fade - Chapter 19 - Without a Paddle

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 19

Without a Paddle

“Alice? Wake up Alice.”

“Hm…? Go ‘way…” I yawned, swatting at Legolas as he tried to shake me awake.

“Get up or I’ll have Gimli sit on you.”

I rolled over and cracked open one eye, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh I would.” His confident smile was enough to make me sit up, grimacing as my stiff shoulder protested.

“Alright, I’m coming.” I rubbed my eyes, blinking in the dim light. The sun hadn’t risen yet. I frowned, remembering the events of last night. Looking back it seemed almost too surreal to be real, and I considered whether I had been dreaming or not as I clambered out of bed and started pulling on my coat.

“Dress warmly,” Legolas advised me, “We won’t be walking today.”

“What do you mean?” I asked as I belted my swords to my waist.

“You’ll see.” He smiled knowingly as I rolled my eyes and shouldered my pack.

“Damn mysterious elf…” I grumbled as he walked out into the forest. I shook my head and glanced around at the rest of the Fellowship as they prepared to leave, before following Legolas outside.

Once the Fellowship had assembled, we were met by several elves and were led through the forest until we reached a small inlet, fed by a river. We lined up in front of it, facing the trees as the Lord Celeborn appeared in front of us, flanked by several other elves. They proceeded to fasten pale green cloaks around our necks, each held in place by an emerald green broach, shaped like the large leaves that grew on the trees of Lothlórien.

“Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks shield you from unfriendly eyes.” He spoke in the same calm tone he had used the previous night, as if he had no cause to hurry, but then again, he was an elf – they never had to hurry anywhere. It must be a pleasant existence. I bowed my head respectfully as he backed away and the Lady Galadriel stepped forward, gesturing to several of the elves who stood behind her, and they passed her several objects, one of which was a long, elegant bow which she handed to Legolas.

“My gift to you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin.” She smiled as he took it, his eyes alight with wonder as he curiously pulled back the string – he reminded me of a kid on Christmas morning with a brand new bike. Galadriel then moved on to Merry and Pippin, handing them a small sheathed object each. “These are the daggers of Noldorin. They have already seen service in war.” She said as they unsheathed them, “Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage.” She comforted him before looking to Sam and handing him a neatly coiled length of rope, “And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven rope made of hithlain.” I smiled, remembering that Sam always seemed to be muttering about the rope he forgot to pack back in Rivendell.

“Thank you, my lady.” He nodded, “Have you run out of those nice shiny daggers?” She only smiled before stepping before me and I smiled nervously as she motioned for me to hold out my wrist. I timidly did so as she spoke. “You remember what I told you last night?” She asked and I nodded as she slipped something cold onto my wrist, “This will help hold you to this world,” She murmured as I looked down, my eyes widening as I saw the shimmering bracelet that extended from my wrist to a short distance up my forearm. Its intricate design consisted of the metal appearing to be coiled like rope, and each coil was marked with elvish words and ruins. “It is not a permanent solution; it will only slow the process. You must still do what we spoke of.” She warned me and I nodded.

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