All Shall Fade - Chapter 13 - First Steps (LOTR)

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 13

First Steps

I anxiously checked my appearance in the mirror one last time before I shouldered my pack and left my bedroom with a small, sad sigh. The pale dawn illuminated the hallways as I dashed down the stairs and out into the courtyard where the rest of the Fellowship were preparing to leave.

“Mornin’,” I yawned sleepily as I made my way over to Legolas. “Are we all set to go?”

“Almost, I believe Lord Elrond wishes to speak with us before we depart.” He smiled, somehow looking his usual picture-perfect self, whereas I was a bit of a mess, with tumbleweed hair and dark circles under my eyes after my restless night.

“Sure thing.” I sighed, rubbing at my eyes as Sam strapped the last of the bags onto Bill’s back and the other Hobbits assembled themselves – with Pippin complaining of the lack of breakfast. I smiled at Aragorn as he solemnly stood near the back and inclined his head slightly to acknowledge me. He was seemingly treating me the same way he had done before our conversation last night, as if it had never happened… Elves began to appear on the balconies and walkways around us, and I suddenly felt nervous beneath their gaze. As we assembled in a loose formation around the Hobbits, a small group of Elves glided across the courtyard towards us, and I smiled as I spotted Arwen amongst them. She smiled weakly in return and I noticed her gaze dart towards Aragorn as the group halted and Lord Elrond stepped forward to address us.

“The Ringbearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will.” His eyes met mine, knowing that there was a chance I would leave the Fellowship at some point. I was on my own quest after all. “Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you.” His gaze shifted from person to person, and I somehow got the feeling that I wouldn’t see Rivendell again. I wanted to thank Elrond for everything he’d done for me, and I wanted to say a final goodbye to Arwen, but it didn’t look like I would be given the chance. For a brief second, I managed to make eye contact with Arwen, and my hand crept to my neck to lightly touch the jewel she had given me. She saw this action and a small smile crossed her face, before she returned to looking at Aragorn. I couldn’t blame her, if I was seeing someone I loved for the last time, I’d be sure to memorise everything about them. I hadn’t been given that chance before I arrived here. My last few hours with the people I loved were now a jumbled blur in my memories.

“The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer.” Gandalf declared and beside me, Frodo reluctantly turned and began to lead us out of Rivendell. I cast a glance back, one final look, before I followed Legolas out through the stone archway that I had entered by almost two months ago. I closed my eyes and whispered a silent goodbye as I took my first step out of Rivendell, and onto the strange and probably perilous road home.


Days of endless walking merged into weeks as the Fellowship made our way towards the distant mountain range known as the Misty Mountains. Landscapes passed us by in a blur of grass, forests and rocks, until we were climbing in the foothills of the mountains. I was quite enjoying myself – it was like one big camping holiday. The only downside was the walking. Every morning I would wake up with aching muscles and have to get up and start the walking process all over again. On the up side, I was going to have a killer figure when this was all over.

Despite the fact that winter was approaching, the weather seemed to be unseasonably warm at our low altitude, and it was still pretty nice even when we climbed a little higher. One day, when the sun was shining particularly brightly and everybody was in a reasonably light mood, we stopped for a rest at the top of a small hill in the shade of several large, white boulders. I had shed my outer layers a few hours ago and was tramping up the hill in my vest top and leggings before shrugging off my pack, collapsing on top of a rock and spreading myself out like a lizard sunning itself.

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