All Shall Fade - Chapter 36 - Follow Your Heart

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 36

Follow Your Heart

After our brief sparring session, Aragorn and I returned to the hall where the evening meal was being served. I sat down beside him at a table, and half-heartedly stirred the bowl of stew that had been set on front of me. I was still bothered by what I had realised outside the hall. Aragorn had previously loved someone who was so much more than I was. Arwen was beautiful, and graceful, and brave… Mostly things I wasn’t. What could he possibly see in me that could tear his heart away from her? Was I just a replacement until someone better came along? I sighed, knowing that I probably wasn’t, but I couldn’t help thinking it. Eventually, I gave up on eating and stood, making a mumbled excuse about being tired before beginning to walk away. Aragorn caught my arm and pulled me back.

“Are you alright?” He asked, and I shrugged.

“Just a little tired I guess.” I shrugged, feigning a light-hearted attitude, “I’m gonna head to bed.”

“Do you want me to stay with you?” He murmured quietly, so no one else would hear, but I shook my head.

“I’ll be fine.” I smiled, “See you in the morning.” I turned and walked away, quickly making my way to my room and slumping down on my bed. Eowdrin was still in the hall, probably with Legolas, so I wouldn’t be disturbed. Nonetheless, I was still exhausted, and it wasn’t long before I dropped into a troubled sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see the flame-red sky of my nightmare, but instead I found myself lying in a comfy bed in a clean, white room that I vaguely recognised. I sat up, pushing away the blankets as I realised where I was – the room I had stayed in at Rivendell. I smiled, gladly accepting this dream over my nightmare, and when I spotted Arwen walking towards me from where my balcony had been, I leapt out of bed.

“Arwen!” I cried, almost running to embrace her and tell her how much I’d missed her, when I hesitated. Would she be angry at me for having feelings for Aragorn? I knew she’d told me to take care of him, but I don’t think she’d meant it in this way…

“Do worry child, I am not here to scold you, I am happy for you.” She smiled, and I let my tense shoulders drop.

“Thank goodness.” I breathed, sitting down on my bed. “Erm, why are you here then?” I asked as she sat beside me.

“Didn’t I tell you that I would be watching over you?” She murmured, and I automatically reached to my neck to touch the jewel she had given me, before remembering that Aragorn had it. “What ails you?” She asked and I anxiously knotted my hands together in my lap.

“I’m just confused…” I sighed, “Am I doing the right thing by acting on my feelings for Aragorn? I mean… He loved you and I can’t help but wonder what he sees in me…” Arwen smiled as I carried on, “And even though we’re sort-of together, there’s still so much I have to figure out before things can work properly for us…” I glanced up at her, “Do you think I’m making a huge mistake?”

“Only you can answer the questions that trouble you.” She said softly, “To find the answers you must follow your heart, only then will things be clear.”

I nodded mutely, as she stood. “Where are you going?”

“I must go.” She smiled, and I stood.

“Wait! Am I ever going to see you again?” I frantically asked.

“It is like I told you, I will be watching over you.”

All Shall Fade (LOTR-Wattys 2014)Where stories live. Discover now