All Shall Fade - Chapter 46 - Wherever You Will Go

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 46

Wherever You Will Go

I screamed, reaching out and catching the ledge that stood in front of me with my fingertips. The ground had stopped shaking. If only I’d been able to take another step…

I gasped with pain as my fingertips dug into the jagged rock, sending blood trickling over my hands. My flailing legs couldn’t find any rock beneath me to grip on to, and my arms were weakening. I yelped in fear as my injured arm suddenly gave way, leaving me clinging to the rock with only one hand. Tears began forming in my eyes as I heard a loud explosion somewhere behind me and the ground shook again, almost causing me to loose grip. I couldn’t hold on anymore, it hurt too much. I’d have to let go. My heart was already beating a mile-a-minute, and it seemed to increase in speed as this thought crossed my mind.

“Oh God…” I breathed, squeezing my eyes shut and waiting for the moment when my other arm would give out. The rock beneath my fingertips began to crumble and I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

It wasn’t supposed to end this way.

I couldn’t help but scream as the rock gave way and I began to drop – and then jerked to a halt, my arm wrenching painfully as I felt hands close around my wrist, stopping me from falling.

“Alice!” My eyes flew open in shock as I heard the voice above me, strained with the effort of supporting my weight.

“Aragorn?” I spluttered in disbelief as I took in the sight of his face as he lay on top of the ledge that I had previously clung to, his arms outstretched with both hands firmly grasping my wrist.

“It’s alright Alice, I’m here!” He reassured me, “Give me your other hand!” I nodded and tried to swing my injured arm upwards for him to catch, but as he released my other wrist by one hand, I felt myself suddenly slip.

“Aragorn!” I cried as my wrist slid from his grasp and he was forced to take hold of my hand.

“Just… Just hold on Alice.” He groaned with effort as he tried to pull me closer to him, but only resulted in him sliding further over the edge – he was going to fall if he kept this up.

“Aragorn,” I gasped, realising what I had to do, “You have to let go.”

“No!” He growled instantly, sliding further over the edge as part of it crumbled under our combined weight.

“Aragorn, listen to me!” I cried, “I won’t let you die for me!” I gently loosened my hold on his hand as I tried to reason with him. “Please, you have to let me go.”

“No, don’t say that Alice!” He argued, “I couldn’t live with myself know I’d let you go!” I gazed up into his eyes, finding they were filled with tears, “I love you.”

“I love you too Aragorn.” I choked on my own tears, “I love you so much, that’s why I can’t let you do this, please.” I begged softly as he closed his eyes, as if to block out my request.

Suddenly, as if in slow motion, my fingers slid out of his and his eyes flew open as I gasped in terror. “Alice no!” He lunged forwards, grabbing my hand as I screamed, realising he was about to fall – and then we both juddered to a halt.

I clamped my eyes shut, afraid of the hundreds of potential scenarios I could see if I opened them. I could hear Aragorn breathing, that was a good thing, and ruled out several of the possible scenarios that I had been dreading, so I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, gasping quietly as I spotted a hand firmly grasping the back of Aragorn’s cloak.

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