All Shall Fade - Chapter 11 - Mutual Respect (LOTR)

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 11

Mutual Respect

Aragorn didn’t return for over a week, and over that time Legolas had let me move on to using real swords, and my aim was definitely getting better with the bow – although I still occasionally pinged myself in the nose. They should really give you safety goggles or something like that. I hadn’t been expecting Aragorn to arrive, so when I turned up in the training area I was surprised to see him standing beside Legolas.

“Good morning.” I smiled as I pulled my hair back into a loose ponytail. It had been becoming less frizzy and easier to manage recently – maybe it had something to do with the water here… Or the lack of cheap shampoo I normally used at home. Aragorn nodded at me whereas Legolas smiled in welcome. I’d recently told him where I was actually from, and instead of being distrustful like some people, he had been fascinated; he was probably the person I was closest to right now. Mostly because we had been spending every day training together.

“Alice,” The elf smiled in greeting as I went to stand beside him, “Do you have any experience in hand-to-hand combat?”

“Uh…” I frowned, thinking of the playful wrestling matches Toby and I used to have when we were kids. “Not much… I used to do a bit of kickboxing though.” Legolas looked at me, obviously not knowing what kickboxing was, before carrying on.

“Aragorn will train you in that field then – we won’t be doing any archery training today.”

“Aw… But I was just getting good at that…” I muttered as I rolled up my sleeves, preparing to get the shit kicked out of me by Aragorn – I knew he was probably looking forward to it. He passively shrugged and made his way over to the centre of the clearing as Legolas calmly sat at the edge.

“First to pin their opponent to the ground wins.” He smirked, probably knowing that I was about to get my face smashed into the dirt.

“Ok… Bring it on.” I sighed, “What do I have to do?”

“Behave as if you are blocking blows with your weapons, but use parts of your body.” Aragorn instructed me as he paced back and forth, as if he was sizing me up – there wasn’t much to size up to be perfectly honest.

“’Kay.” I nodded, adjusting my balance. I didn’t even see Aragorn come at me – and suddenly I was pinned by my shoulders to the ground, winded and gasping for air.

“And pay attention.” He muttered as he stood and dusted off his hands.

“Bitch…” I wheezed quietly as I got to my feet and caught my breath.

“You don’t have size on your side, so try and use your opponent’s size to your advantage.” He advised me as the process began again. This time, I managed to put up my forearm and hold him off for an extra second before he had me on the ground.

The second time, I landed a half decent punch on his shoulder before I was floored, and the third I almost managed to knee him in the stomach, but he was too fast and tripped me before I even realised he had dodged.

“Damn it…” I grumbled as I hauled myself off the ground and faced him again. I was getting frustrated, but Legolas had taught me to control my anger, so I took a deep breath to keep myself calm, and nodded to Aragorn. He ran at me, but this time I ducked – avoiding the blow to my shoulders that would send me sprawling, and swept out at his legs with a low kick. I grinned as he fell to his knees but grabbed me and pulled me with him – and then I was pinned again. “You’ve got to admit that I did better that time.” I scowled as he glared at me.

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