All Shall Fade - Chapter 27 - Making it Count

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 27

Making it Count

The first day of travelling to Helm’s Deep was tedious. Despite the fact that I was riding, we moved slowly, as the citizens who didn’t have horses had to walk. I managed to pass some time by practicing my riding alongside Legolas, before he dismounted and went to scout ahead of the party of citizens, leaving Gimli on Arod, and as he couldn’t exactly ride, Eówyn lead him. I trotted up to where Eowdrin sat on her horse beside them as Gimli talked loudly to anyone who would listen.

“It's true you don't see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf men!” He explained, and I had to stifle a giggle at the thought of a female Gimli, and I risked a glance over my shoulder, only to see Aragorn miming stroking a beard.

“It’s the beards!” He mouthed and I had to physically cover my mouth to hold back my hysterics.

“And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women.” Gimli continued, oblivious to the private joke being shared by his audience, “And the dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!” He waved his arms around as Eówyn laughed and Arod jogged on the spot, clearly alarmed by the sudden movement, “Which is of course ridiculous - Whoa!” Gimli exclaimed as Arod seemed to decide that he’d had enough, and cantered off suddenly, depositing Gimli on the ground on his way. I couldn’t hold back my laughter this time as I saw the dwarf lying on his back like an upturned beetle as Eówyn ran to help him up. “It's alright! It's alright. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate.” He assured us loudly as she picked him off the ground and dusted him down. I noticed her glance back, and I didn’t have to look to know that she was making eye contact with Aragorn as she laughed. Something about the way she looked at him reminded me of the way Arwen used to look at him. I sighed and tightened my grip on Aduial’s reins as I spurred her on so I could catch up with Legolas. He was standing on a grassy hilltop near the front of the procession and he smiled as I drew to a halt beside him, before he turned away to look out over a lake that lay not far from us.

“I think we should set up camp there.” He said as I frowned.

“But it’s nowhere near night time yet.” I mused as I looked back at the long snake of refugees.

“The people tire quickly, and it will be safer to gather them all in one place.” He explained as I nodded, looking over the people. Of course they wouldn’t be able to walk for long, there were people of all ages, ranging from babies cradled in their mother’s arms to elderly men and women nestled in the carts being pushed along. Most of the others carried heavy loads. Legolas and I both made our way back to where Théoden rode alongside Aragorn and passed on the information about the area we were to camp on. I resumed my place beside Eowdrin as we rode the last stretch to the lake and dismounted. All around us the people started setting up tents and rough shelters; some started cooking whilst most of the guards went to help put up the larger tents that would be used by the king’s company. They were completely unlike the lightweight tents I was used to, but more like the large, traditional bell-tents you would see in old books about scouting. We began untacking our horses and the saddles were taken away by two guards as we brushed them down.

“Will they wander off?” I asked as I ran a brush over Aduial’s flank.

“Maybe, but they’ll come back.” Eowdrin assured me as she patted Rienne and let the horse pick its way over to the lake.

“So what do we do now then?”

“Rest a little I suppose, maybe get something to eat…” She trailed off as something caught her eye. “Oh no...”

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