All Shall Fade - Chapter 8 - Dangers of Solitude (LOTR)

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 8

Dangers of Solitude

In the evening of my second day in Rivendell, I found myself wandering around inside one of the main buildings. People seemed to have been arriving all day, as something important seemed to be happening tomorrow. I hadn’t been told about it, but I’d thought it best not to ask. Instead I had changed into a long red shirt and my black leggings and had gone exploring to try and keep out of people’s way.

I hesitated outside a room I hadn’t come across before and poked my head through the door. It seemed deserted, as none of the lamps were lit, so I went in to investigate, and found myself in what appeared to be a small museum of artefacts and paintings. I smiled and began to make my way around, marvelling at the beautiful paintings. They all seemed to tell a story, but I wasn’t sure what the stories were. I stood before a large, intricate painting of a male elf, dressed in silver battle armour. I frowned as I looked into the stern, proud face of the man as he brandished his long spear. Unlike most of the other paintings, where the figures stood in woodlands, he stood on a barren, rocky landscape. To me, it made the painting seem a little sad.

“I see you’ve found Gil-galad.” I jumped as someone spoke and I turned in alarm, but relaxed as I recognised the person walking towards me.

“You scared me Legolas.” I smiled, turning back to the painting as the blonde prince made his way to my side.

“My apologies.” He murmured softly as he looked up at the painted figure.

“Who was he?” I asked quietly.

“Gil-galad?” Legolas smiled, and for a moment it didn’t seem like he was going to say anything, before he began to chant in a low voice.

“Gil-galad was an Elven-King.

Of him the harpers sadly sing:

the last whose realm was fair and free

between the Mountains and the Sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,

his shining helm afar was seen;

the countless stars of heaven’s field

were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,

and where he dwelleth none can say;

for into darkness fell his star

in Mordor where the shadows are.”

We stood in silence, as I contemplated the meaning of the verse.

“That’s sad…” I sniffed, “Is it true? Or is it just a story?”

“It is true, but my knowledge of lore is not as great as some.” He smiled, looking down at me, and reading my confused expression. “You have questions that you want answered.” He stated and I nodded.

“Um… What exactly is Mordor?”

“Mordor,” He grimaced as he said the word, “Is a place of great evil, where a dark power dwells that threatens to destroy and rule over all of Middle Earth.”

“W-what?” I stammered, “That’s… Unpleasant.” I strived to find a better word, but my vocabulary failed me as I thought of the Hollywood-Blockbuster style supervillan Legolas was talking about. Of course, there had to be a catch in this perfect world, didn’t there? I felt Legolas gently squeeze my shoulder and I smiled weakly as we walked to a different painting. It was one of two tall trees that sat in an ornate gold frame. “Pretty trees.” I thought out loud, and Legolas laughed.

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