All Shall Fade - Chapter 30 - Dare to Defy

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 30

Dare to Defy

As we watched Théoden walk away, I felt like a stone had been dropped to the pit of my stomach. There was an army marching to our doorstep and he was going to do nothing? Beside me, Aragorn sighed and walked away. I turned to see him walking down the steps to the walkways beneath the wall. I cast a glance at Legolas as Gimli and I went to follow him, but the elf caught my arm.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, and I silently cursed whatever sixth sense he had.

“It’s Aragorn.” I murmured, watching him talk with a guard on the level below us.

“What happened?” He drew me aside so a group of guards could pass by.

“He…” I looked to the side, making sure no one would hear us. “He kissed me.” I whispered, and Legolas smiled.

“I knew that he had feelings for you.” He seemed almost victorious until I shook my head.

“I… I don’t think he does…. He hasn’t said anything to me since.” I shook my head a little, “Besides, Arwen is the one he loves. I saw them together. He would not allow himself to have feelings for anyone else.” I sighed, looking up at the sky and frowning as I saw a flock of crows swooping overhead. I recognised those birds… They belonged to Saruman.

“Do you have feeling for him?”

I turned back to Legolas quickly, finding myself speechless at his sudden question. “It… It doesn’t matter. There’s more important stuff to worry about right now.” I muttered, turning and jogging down the steps. I pushed my way through the crowds of frantic women and children as they surged into the safe refuge of the caves beneath the fortress. I located Aragorn as he scanned the high walls, and as Legolas and I reached him he started making battle plans, completely unaware of the confused battle that was already raging in my mind.

“We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate.” He said, gesturing to the higher vantage points on the wall.

“Aragorn, you must rest.” Legolas called to him as he walked on, “You're no use to us half-alive.”

“He’s right,” I murmured, reaching his side and catching his arm, “Please, at least let me do something about your wounds.” He just turned away from me and walked on. “Aragorn!” I cried, suddenly angry at him for being so stubborn. He turned back to me and I grabbed his hand, realising that it was still slick with his blood. “I’ve already lost you once; I don’t want to loose you again.” I whispered, and his stubborn gaze softened, “Please, just rest for a moment. For me.” I knew I was purposefully making him feel guilty, but if it was the only way to get through to him then I could afford to do it.

“Alice…” He murmured, gently wrapping his other hand around our two entwined hands and causing me to smile weakly.

“My Lord! Aragorn!” I quickly slipped my hand out of his, as Eówyn’s cry reminded me that we weren’t alone. I blushed as she ran towards us through the crowd and stopped in front of Aragorn, “I'm to be sent with the women into the caves.” She complained.

“That is an honourable charge.” Aragorn nodded as she scowled.

“To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return? What renown is there in that?” She asked almost sarcastically.

“My lady, a time may come for valour without renown. Who will your people look to in the last defence?” Aragorn tried to encourage her, but she seemed to have other ideas.

All Shall Fade (LOTR-Wattys 2014)Where stories live. Discover now