All Shall Fade - Chapter 24 - Back to Civilization

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 24

Back to Civilization

I was woken by Legolas gently shaking me awake. I blinked and yawned in the pale dawn sunlight as he held out his hand and pulled me to my feet.

“Can’t I sleep some more?” I asked, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands.

“We must continue our journey.” The elf smiled kindly as I blew a raspberry at him.

“Right, let’s get going then.” I grumbled, stretching out my stiff muscles and glancing around our camp as Gimli stamped out the remains of our fire and Legolas went to help Gandalf and Aragorn with the horses. I followed him slowly; hoping things with Aragorn wouldn’t be awkward after what happened last night. Whatdid happen last night? I was still confused by it. I’d definitely felt something but what was it? It was like my bracelet had reacted to him, but I’d reacted too… “Gah, this is so confusing.” I muttered under my breath as I approached the horses and timidly patted the chestnut one Aragorn and I had been riding yesterday. I’d never even thought to ask where the horses had come from; but I’d been a little distracted at the time to be fair. I heard someone approach me from behind as I stroked the horse’s soft coat and I glanced over my shoulder, smiling in greeting as Aragorn made his way to my side. “Good morning.” I murmured, scratching the horse behind its ear.

“His name is Hasufel.” He said softly, seemingly ignoring my greeting as he nodded at the horse.

“Hasufel.” I repeated with a slight smile and the horse nickered in response. “Where did he come from?”

“He and Arod were given to us by the Rohirrim.” He gestured to the white horse that Legolas was helping Gimli mount. I nodded – even though I didn’t know who the Rohirrim were - and resumed petting Hasufel as Aragorn turned to me. “Would you like to ride today?”

I turned to him in alarm, my eyes wide, “I-I don’t know how!” I stammered idiotically as he smiled a little.

“I will teach you.” He assured me as I bit my lip nervously and hesitantly nodded. He helped me as I unsteadily scrambled on to the horse and then effortlessly swung himself up behind me. I mentally scolded myself for blushing as he reached around my waist and showed me how to hold the reins. I held them tightly, as if my life depended on it as he told me to nudge Hasufel with my heels. I gave him a light tap and nothing happened. I tried again, nothing. I frowned and glanced down at my legs, giving him a harder squeeze. He shot forward like a bullet from a gun and I lurched forwards, squeaking in fright before I felt Aragorn pull me back into the saddle with one hand, whilst he used the other to grab the reins and slow the horse that was trying to bolt down the hill.

“Sorry!” I cried, trying (and failing) to regain some control as Aragorn laughed, causing a furious blush to spread over my cheeks. I pulled on Hasufel’s reins and he slowed to a halt as I scowled. “Well that went well.” I muttered, nudging him forward again. This time he slowly began to walk down the hill as Aragorn guided my hands so I could steer.

“Is it as difficult as you thought?” He asked, leaning in close to my ear as I frowned.

“It’s hard to say…” I mumbled, trying to keep Hasufel going in a straight line. I looked over my shoulder to see the other two horses and their riders catching up with us.

“Let’s go faster.” Aragorn smirked as I gripped the reins so hard my knuckles went white.

“B-but!” I was cut off mid-objection as he dug his heels into Hasufel’s sides and he sprang forward. “Don’t do that!” I screamed as he galloped over the plains at a terrifying speed. I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone steer.

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