Pinned ~•Chapter 5•~

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I kicked Reiner off his feet as we sparred, I have defeated, Mikasa, Eren, Annie, and now, Reiner. I looked to my left seeing if any body wanted to challenge me, everyone took a step back and I looked down and Reiner. Seeing he was in pain and whisled signaling for Breaker to come and drag him to the infirmary, Breaker trotted over, taking ahold of Reiner's jacket sleeve pulling him along with him whilst walking backwards, I scoffed and looked behind me seeing everyone stunned at something, I turned around seeing, Hanji, Erwin, Mike, Lev-- Mr.Bitch, and Grandpa (Shadis), "So, I'm guessing your gonna try to take me out?" I asked annoyed, they all nodded besides Mr.Bitch because he has no soul (like me). Erwin stepped up and got into a fighting position, I just stood there. Hip to the side as I crossed my arms over my chest, I looked to my left. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Erwin charge towards me;-slow motion- I grabbed the arms that he reached out to punch me with. I yanked his arm over my small form and kicked him in the stomach with my foot as he was flying behind me;. Erwin fell to his back with a large grunt, I rolled my eyes and said, "Looks like I won." Erwin got up and limped over towards the infirmary, I scoffed. Pinching the bridge of my nose I asked, "Anyone else?" I heard he chatter of boots clanking along the dirty grass, I looked to the side- still Pinching my nose- to see Mike and Hanji, they got into their fighting position. I rolled my eyes, "Lets get this over with." Mike took the first move. Stretching his leg out just to kick my knees, I stepped to the side, Hanji brought her foot up-- I grabbed it and yanked her, she fell to the floor, it being unexpected, at the time Mike was charging at me, not knowing that Hanji would have fell, he tripped over her and landed face first, I looked over at Eren and he smirked while Mikasa gave an evil smile, Shadis came and picked them up. Throwing Hanji over his shoulder and dragging Mike in the dirt. I cringed. As Shadis was taking them to the infirmary, I heard a stoic voice, "This is stupid." I looked up only to be meet with a much taller man. "Talk about it." I back up a step, putting my hands behind my back I sighed, "Last but not least, C'mon. I wanna get this fucking bull-shit over with." I groaned out as Levi and me just stood there, I 'tched' and put on a his bitch face, "Are you going to take the first move or what brat?" He asked obviously annoyed as fuck, "Thats not my thing, I don't take first move, for it is most likely that you would be taken out first." I explained as the crowd watched excited, I raised an eyebrow as I saw Breaker growl, I looked at Levi closely, eyes narrowing, I looked at his hands to see a tiny dagger that could be the unseen, I looked up and muttered, "Two can play at that game."

-Levi's p.o.v-

"Two can play at that came." He muttered only audible for me to hear. He reached down to his boot and pulled out a what I thought was golden dagger with copper writing on it signaling it belonged to him, and him only. I took this time to charge at him, I only stood there, I got confused but quickly gained back focus, I punched him in the chest and he fell to the ground, I walked up towards him and went to stomp on his stomach-- but he grabbed my leg and pulled me down on top of him, he rolled over am straddled my waist raising his arm to cut me but a unknowned hand caught his wrist, we both looked behind him to see Petra, she glared at (m/n), "Get.Off.Of.Him" She said, (m/n) just stared at her not a care in the world, she went to kicked him but he did same thing he did to Hanji, he grabbed her down and yanked her, her face was meet with Sandy dirt, "How about you mind your own business and go exactly where your family's going," He started, he glared dagger at her dirty form, ", to HELL." He kicked her side as he got off me, he glared at me, and walked off, my heart skipped a beat-- Wait, what?

-Petra's p.o.v-

I heard shuffling and I sat up to see Levi walking in the direction where (m/n) was going, I glared at (m/n)'s tiny form that was smaller than Krista's. Oh it's on.

-(M/n)'s p.o.v.-

(Mini time skip brought to you by a shota)

I was walking towards my dorm when I was pinned to the wall by an larger figure, I opened my eyes and glared at the stoic male, "The fuck you doing you bitch?!" I asked squirming out of his grip, "Tch, if you keep doing that I'll have to punish you." He said his monotone voice staying put, I glared at him, I felt someone watching us but I shrugged it off, "I don't fucking care now get off me!!!" I wiggled out only for my hands to be grabbed with one hand and them to be placed above my head, I looked at the top my head to see one of Levi's hands pinning two of MY hands about MY head. I growled, I looked for am escape, keeping my stoic face as I do. I saw a shadow meaning someone was watching, I glared at it and looked back at Levi, he was starring down at me, I whisled, we heard the sound of loud thumps and out from the corner the hall, came a happy dog, Breaker. Breaker charged at Levi and tackled him down, licking his face, I scoffed and called him off, "Yeah, sorry..not sorry, I'm not cleaning your room for you due to you being a bitch. C'mon Breaker. Let's go." Breaker panted happy, I felt my eyes soften. Levi saw and smirked, standing up he looked at me, for some reason his smirk made my heart skip a beat, I felt the blood raising to my face.

-Levi's p.o.v-

His face turned beat red and I smirked even wider making his blush even brighter (that rhymed). I know his weaknesses now, dogs and my smile. Also I figured out due to evidence that he was a Masochist.


I watched as Erwin put his hand on (m/n)'s shoulder squeezing tightly laughing at what (m/n) said, he rolled his eyes in the back of his head and a blushing formed on his face, drool ran down his chin but he quickly snapped out of his, slapping his hand off of his shoulder, wiping the spit the seemed to be slowly running down even further. The scoffed and walked off looking around hoping that no one saw, but for he was wrong, I saw.

-Flashback End-

(M/n) started walking off and opened his door to his dorm letting Breaker inside first, walking inside he slammed his door shut, I smirked internally but but threw on my stoic face once more, I turned around to see Petra walking down the hall with her head down, she walked passed me, I just shrugged it off and walked towards my office thinking of an excuse to tell tomorrow for pinning (m/n) to the wall.

-Petra's p.o.v-

I saw everything...

But what made me made was that Levi....


(M/n) to the wall...

My Levi...

My Levi...


Yeah I was bored

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