Found it ~•Chapter 9•~

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-Levi's p.o.v-

The brat hasn't woken up in a week, and it's starting to iratate me. I heard moaning and I turned my hand seeing a shifting  (m/n), he ran his hands threw his messy (h/c) hair. His eyes shoot opened, he groaned and looked at, as if his memories came back he glared at me and stuck the middle finger up flipping me off. I 'tched' and said, "Tch, the fuck does that supposed to mean? It's a finger." I scoffed as he went to talk but nothing came out, he growled and tried yelling, only to fail in the process. He tried barking or making any sounds beside groaning, moaning, growling, etc. He gave up and keep his middle finger up as his other arm was crossed, keeping a bored look. I once again, did my accustom 'tch'. I looked away then back at him, and had put his hand down and turned his head the other way, I looked at his ears seeing them red, "What the fuck is wrong you brat?" He went to get only for the conclusion of that, ended up with him groaning in pain, falling onto his back and on the bed. He moaned in frustration, I only mearly chuckled, he glared at me, his face painted and coated with a big red blush, I walked over towards him and picked him up bridal style. He went to shout only for a little squeak to come out. He wiggled in my arms, I rolled my eyes, his face getting more red by the second. "Tch, brat I'm not doing whatever you think im doing, I'm simply bringing you back to your fucking GODDAMN room." I stated and his blush cooled down. He sighed and looked out the hall window as we passed by, the midnight sky shimmered as the dreams of the Cadets rested helplessly, bright, shining stars floated through the sky as the moon slowly shifted from its position,  (m/n) looked at the moon with a bored expression, I looked out the window as well, seeing a shooting star.....

Oh what will become of this one star?

-Narrators p.o.v-

In little (m/n) and Levi's mind, they were wishing for the day they would seek emotions again, where titans would be gone, the day they found their one and true love, though they both had no expression and no emotion, as they held a bored look. They hid them.... behind all those looks and glares they give off..... everybody has emotions. They wished .... they wished for the better.... and little did they know their wish..

Would one day.....

Come true..

-(M/n)'s p.o.v-

I felt comfortable in Levi's arms, I haven't felt this warm and fuzzy for a long time... as a kid I grew up not socializing, I spent my times in the under ground. Though for two weeks I would stay under ground, and one week I would stay home and help dad with his experiments, sometimes I would get caught by the survey corps or the military police. I never showed emotion. For it is a sign of weakness, at this point in time if I show my emotions my companions will see me as a weak short male that for the first time showed emotion. I looked up at Levi and saw him looking down at me, I glared at him but then felt the need to......


I dont know.

I felt as though there was a slap at my face, as though I needed his warmth and comfort everyday, as though I needed to stay by his side, because, it felt as though this man would keep me safe from all the monsters in this world.... for a moment I felt happ-- no! I cant.. I'll show weakness....

-Levi's p.o.v-

I know how he feels right now...

-Both p.o.v-

'Weak..' they both thought as they stared at each other's features...

'I won't show it..' (m/n) thought

'He won't show it..' Levi thought

-Levi's p.o.v-

I looked at (m/n) to see a blush ever so slowly pouring like rain into his pale face. He looked away and glared at the ground, I growled at his cuteness. He heard my growl and looked back at me crossing him arms over his chest glaring daggers into my dark blue eyes  (looks like black X3). His (e/c) orbs that have their own black circles like mine as his black bags grow by the second. He coughed at tried all his will power to speak, "I-- *squeak* w...." He tried, he groaned and glared at me, "Coffee?" I asked her he nodded showing a bored expression. I carried him to the cafeteria  (....😤) where I sat him down at the superiors table, he shuffled awkwardly as he crossed his legs placing his hands in his lap. Getting tired of the fact that the room was silent I spoke up. "Tch, I can't wait till I can finally here a fucking word from you so I can insult you." I said as he mearly growled as I handed him his coffee where I sat down.  I looked back at the red faced boy and felt my heart skip a beat, this little Shota is going to kill me one day, he took little sips of his coffee as he stared at his finger nail, come to think of it. He hasn't changed out from his straps in like....weeks, "Tch, brat you haven't taken off your straps for what seems like 5000 years." I said taking a sip of my tea placing It back down on the table, he held his cup the same way I do but he shifted his finger to the left a little bit, he just shrugged not giving damn. He placed his cup back down and-- 'Chu' . He sneezed into his small arm, I groaned. "Are you sick, brat?" I ask and he just placed his head on the table, I couldn't help myself. I walked towards him and grabbed him by the arms and picked him up pinning him to the wall, "Ngh..." He moaned out. I smirked and put my head on his shoulder, making circular motions on his back, he hummed. In what? Who the fucking hell knows. His hands were curled up in his chest, "W---w....ha...t.....a------a-ar..e..y....ou." He tried speaking out. I moved my head from his shoulder seeing his flustered face, I smiled--- I actually felt happy, this brat backs me happy, I kept rubbing circular motions on his back, he groaned. I moved my hand rubbing down his sided, where his eyes widened and his breath hitched, 'found it.'. I let go of him and walked back to the table grabbing my tea and walking out. Smirking at the sight of his flustered face. I chuckled at where his sweet spot was...simple.




Yeah, I forgot to post this two days ago...

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