Bastard ~•Chapter 10•~

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Bastard found my sweet spot.....hmph, great. The fuck did he just do? I walked back dusting off my cloths and grabbed my coffee. Walking off I'm sure I heard rustling in the kitchen, yet I brushed it off knowing it was probably Sasha.

-??? p.o.v-


My glasses fogged up as I stared at the heated scene. Levi pinning my son to the wall, I looked over at Erwin to see him glaring at the sight, I giggled softly. I looked back seeing Levi rubbing  (m/n)'s sides, his eyes widened and his face lit up. I could just feel that smirk coming off of Levi. Drool dripped off my chin and onto the floor. I felt Erwins stare and I turned my head and ended up being tackled to the floor In the process, Erwin shushed me and pointed to where (m/n) was, it was just him now and Levi had left, he looked in our direction, I went to get up but kicked a pot In the process....ahh...shit.

-Flashback End-

I walked towards my dorm sipping my coffee as I do so. I looked from side to side, I saw something sharp and pointy, I walked towards it, it looked like a syringe, I went to pull on it only to get stabbed, the person pinned me to a wall where everybody could see, I heard screams, I opened my dizzy eyes seeing a known red head with short hair, her appearance was a bit crazy, I turned my head to look at who screamed. Armin. Mikasa... Eren. I coughed up blood and kicked Petra back, I felt dizzy but kept up straight. I put my hand down to my forehead were I felt it was freezing. My body turned ice cold. But I was used to this......I closed my eyes

I screamed in pain as I was hit with a wip. Only to get hit once more but this time with a bat. I coughed up blood as my body felt numb. I sat there on my knees with my hands chained to the wall, I opened my eyes to see--

I opened my eyes to see-- Mikasa. She was kicking Petra, Petra went to stab her but I pushed her out of the way getting stabbed in the process. I stood there keeping a bored expression, she widened her eyes in shock and I kicked her back, she slide across the floor landing on his side. I walked towards her and slammed my heel into the back of her head. She stabbed me once more. I only got stronger. I went to stomp onto her stomach onto to be held back by a strong force....

I know those hands...


I turned around and flipped her over, seeing she looked at me with a confused expression, I glared at her and helped her up, I looked back at Petra seeing she was gone, Annie held up a little device that records events. I nodded and we both lifted out fingers up to our mouths pretending to bite it then fist bumping, Annie was pretty much my best friend, Armin went and helped me walk due to my numbness, Eren and Mikasa went to inform Levi, Erwin and Hanji about Petra's outrage, I thanked Armin once we got there and told him to go and help Mikasa and Eren find Levi, Erwin and Hanji but before I could I was stopped by a bone crushing hug, I looked back seeing all three of the people that Eren and Mikasa went for about to tackle me to the ground, well-- most of them. Levi was just standing there looking at the blood on the floor with a horrified expression, there was some of that liquid that Petra stabbed into- guessing that Levi knew what type of 'poison' that was in the syringe he spoke up- "How are you still living?" He asked surprised, which is not an everyday thing. We all looked back at him while I quickly shoot my head back looking at the floor, I became flustered as the tears weld up in my eyes that I have been holding on for, for so long. My sight got blurry from the tears that fell from my face to the floor, everybody was asking Levi question as those terrible memories came back....

They stabbed sharp needles in me as I screamed in pain, every noise I made I would get punished with either a wip or a bat, but if I screamed loud enough, I would get both, the white coats kicked me and pushed me around shoving me into different experiments. One to another. Everyday was something different......

But one day.... I saw someone very familiar that did something really bad to me....




I looked at the side of the wall avoiding anyone's gaze, I heard footsteps and out of the corner of my eye I saw Levi's boots, "How did you survive you brat?" I looked at Eren. Seeing him look down as Mikasa looked saw she looked confused as a little kid who's mother just said that she was having another kid. I tightened my fist together. I sighed. Closing my eyes thinking of my surroundings. In my mind I pictured Annie putting a hand slowly on my shoulder. Knowing that it was happening in real life I imagined Levi and the rest about to open there mouths to speak, Eren trying to stop them, I opened my eyes in slow motion seeing Annie's hand in slow motion as well, grabbing her hand- still in slow motion- turning her around kicking her back into Levi, making him slowly stumble, Erwin running at me, keeping a bored expression as he went to grab  your shoulder- Still in slow motion- grabbing both of his wrist kicking him in the stomach, of course I didn't go in slow motion, I was made that way, the shots that those Scientists shoot in me that whenever I want to go in slow motion I could, yet I would be as fast as a humming bird. Throwing Erwin towards the floor. Seeing Eren go pale, knowing what was happening, I quickly grabbed his hand- going out of slow motion in my point of view- running of leaving a pale Hanji and a helping Mikasa who seemed to be pulling Levi, Annie and Erwin off the floor, "(M/N)! SLOW DOWN!" I spoke no word keeping silent, running as fast as I can....

I over heard the white coats speak about something...

"He.....gonna.....superspee--..... as well.....with....motion........"

Was all I heard. I add the word together figuring out they said 'He's gonna have super speed as well as slow motion powers.' I felt a jolt of pain in my shoulder. Though I was unconscious.

I pulled Eren outside running as fast as I could practically dragging Eren behind me, He grabbed my hand pinning me to a tree, "(M/n) what the hell was that?!" He asked. I glared at him until the memories came back to him. He pale and looked down...

That fucking bastard finally remembered.....



I have some good freaking ideas.  Be prepared!!!

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