Court room ~•Chapter 7•~

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I felt myself slowly waking up, I slightly opened my eyes seeing nothing but people shouting and a judge, my surroundings quickly lead my to thinking I was in a court room, out of tiredness I only glanced out of the corner of my eyes to look at the right seeing Eren who had his head down in shame, I actually was not lazy enough this time to shift my head to the side seeing Armin with a worried face whom was holding Mikasa back from strangling everybody in the 'Court room'. Hint quotation marks. I looked up eyes fully opened, showing my stoic and calm face to the crowd who looked me with worried, Angry, disappointment, Love, Etc. My ears finally gave in so they wouldn't be plugged, I heard the voices quickly gained notification, I grumbled looking behind me seeing someone the guards for the king and seeing that my hands were tied, thus leading me to tug on the chains groaned in frustration, "(M/n) yaeger! Stand down! Do you realize that you are in a court room for your execution/punishment?!" He asked angered. I just shrugged, "Of course I fucking know you dip shit. The fuck else would I be fucking tied up to medal chains with a medal pole? I asked as calm as ever keeping my stoic face looking to the side seeing the Captains with a calm look as Levi crossed his arms obviously not impressed, groans were heard throughout the hoard of people, I put my head down eyes down casting, pulling on a tiny smirk only audible for Eren to see, he looked over at me and looked at my lips seeing the curve go into my lips, he smiled-- "Why are you smiling Eren yaeger?!" The judge shouted,-- I shoot my head up still smirking, the crowed gasped seeing my smirk, "I know what's going on here, you'll see for yourself in a minute--" 'Bam' I felt a kick to my stomach, I coughed up blood, I looked up only to be kicked his the face with a leather boot, I glared at the taller male but short male out of the corner of my eye, Levi kicked my side as Eren stared in shock and horror, I heard Mikasa shouting, (she's more protective of you then Eren...Basically she's the same amount of protection for both of you). Levi kicked my stomach again, I coughed up blood-- yet again. I felt my hair being pulled, I keep my stoic face and Levi growled, he let go of my hair, kick my ribs making sure he heard the satisfying cracking sound. I groaned. But no-- once more not in pain-- but in... well you know. I'm pretty sure people just thought it was a groan of pain, but oh were they wrong, my face scrunched up as blood trickled down my nose, Levi went around and kicked the back of my head making my cranium shoot down, I panted, out of breath. Damn, for his height he can sure knock the wind out of you, I cough, making that same red and thick liquid splatter onto my white pants, I still had all my stuff on, but Eren didn't. "Uh-Uh. L-Levi hechiou, I think that's enough--" He kicked my side again, I spat out another layer of the sticky red substance. I kept coughing taking in deep breaths as if my life depended on it, which in this case....

It fucking was!!

I glanced over at Eren seeing his face already as pale as how my face usually look, which is everyday, my pale skin covered with blood around my soft lips, my (e/n) orbs looking tired and exusted, my messy (h/c) hair spread out everywhere, I took in a deep shaky breath, inhaling some of my own blood. "Uh--umm...I dont think he can last any longe--" 'pop' Levi kicked me in the same spot around my ribs, my vision got blurry and I let my head fall down, panting really fast, in a way hyperventilating. I cough up blood, I couldn't breath, I went to put my hand on my chest to break up all the stuff, but I couldnt, still breathing fast I looking behind me seeing my hands-- still cuffed. I looked infront of me seeing shocked faces, Levi walking towards me, kicking my face, my tooth flung out and landed on the floor. My vision turned black, I felt a slap on ny face and I didn't flinch, I felt someone grab my hair and turn my head towards them, I breathed so fast, I couldn't take it, my chest raising up in down faster then a humming bird, I was winded, I felt someone flick my forehead but I didn't move, my eyes closed as a puddle if blood sounded me. "Uhh, Hechiou--" "I don't teach people with words but with actions, and that's exactly what I did to this brat, and luckily, he was in perfect kicking position." Levi let go of my hair and I felt my conscious leave my body.

I passed out.

-Erens p.o.v-

I watched as (m/n) passed out, everytime he sleep-- or in this case, passes out-- he looks so peaceful, his stoic face goes away and the black bags under his eyes make him look innocent, I'm guessing being 4'7 is a struggle. I looked up to see Erwin asking if he could make a proposition or... proposal. "(M/n) yaeger and Eren yaeger are to join Levi's squad and be guarded by him at all times." Everybody nodded in agreement while Mikasa gave Levi's death glares, He just stared back at her not moving an inch, I looked back at (m/n) hearing chains rattle, I see the guards taking off (m/n)'s chains making him lean against the pole, everybody was dismissed but the squad leaders, I saw Hanji come over and pick up my half beaten to death (I put that in my Laurmau story XD) brother. She looked at him sad as she followed Erwin out the door, the guards unchained me and Levi walked over towards my grabbing my wrist pulling me out the door, I glared at him and he just mumbled gibberish. I looked back infront of me seeing a 'jail' or basement... seeing Hanji place down (m/n) on the wooden bench, letting his sliver chain necklace that has a cross on it slowly fall onto his very noticeable colar bones, Levi shoved me through the "doors". I fell to my knees and looked back at then, Levi stood against the wall while Erwin and Hanji stood there looking sad, Levi put on his pokerface and just stood there emotionless, I look back at (m/n) I stood up and walked over towards him, hearing his very heavy breathing from that far away-- worried me, I looked back at Levi and glared at him, he looked to the right-- or left, for him. Right for me. There was a completely different cell that had a nothing but a bench and a bed just like this one, the shoot Erwin a look and he only sighed opening the gate door, pulling me out and pushing me into the other one, locking the door, I turned around and held into the bars, my fingers laced around the rusty metal. I felt tired so I just walked towards the bed falling flat in my face groaning. I looked over at my brother one last time before paying out of pure exhaustion.

-Levi's p.o.v-

I stared at the bleeding brat. I felt guilty but quickly brushed it off, I saw Erwin and Hanji leave up the stairs, I sighed opening the door to (m/n)'s cell, I was about to pick him up when I heard a bark, I turned my head, seeing a sad dog whom walked towards  (m/n) whimpering, he glared at my hands seeing dried blood I forgot to wash off, he growled at me and tugged at (m/n)'s sleeve, him not moving causing Breaker to cry out in sadness, he looked up at me and backed off letting me do my thing, I picked him up bridal style placing him on his bed, starring at his beaten face that had a look of pure innocent, when he's awake-- he's an emotionless shorta, but when he's sleeping, he's a sleeping Beauty, the way his soft and messy (h/c) tresses fall softly onto his face, his soft features-- which may I add have brusies all over him with cuts and welps all over-- I didn't know he was that fragile and dalacite, I tiny bones. A felt as though I broke his ribs, the look on his face at first was emotionless, then it started to scrunch up and turn into pain and horror-- not to mention to look on his face when I kicked him in the first place. Though he didn't show it on his face, you could see in his eyes that this isn't the first time he's been kicked and punched, pounded on. Butualy beaten. Torn. Everthing pain. You could tell because he showed no emotion the whole time but the end. This isn't the first time it's happend...

So when did it happen other than..


His dog crawled up in bed with his and I walked out locking the door behind me going up the stairs waiting to retire in my office for the day.

All I could think about the whole way their was how small he was...

Oh man, I haven't felt this guilty since.....Farlin and Isable....STOP IT LEVI!!! You promised yourself never to think about that again and show no emotion...

But who knows how long that will actually...



Levi is a bit OOC but u know....

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