I love you too brat ~•Chapter 15•~

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Waking up seeing nobody in the room, sitting up and looking down seeing my stomach all wrapped up, I looked at myself on the mirror beside me. "Thanks Hanji.." I mutter my voice raspy as its hard to speak. Standing up on my feet coughing in the process I start to feel light headed. Putting a hand on the wall for support I hear footsteps, I shake it off and grab a new tee-shirt which is (f/c) sliding it on and re-doing the straps. I grabbed my black bloody tee-shirt. Opening the door being meet with blue eyes and brown hair. "Umm hi...I think you were the person who helped my out of that Titan thingy.." He spoke. I had to look up at the kid. "Yeah, and how fucking old are you kid?" I asked stoic as I can be by not even trying. "1-18....you?" He asked literally hovering over me.

(I forgot how old I made ya....let's make you 15)

"15 kid." I said and he snickered. I growled. "Your 4'7 and I'm 6'8-- Oof!" I stubbed him in the stomach coughing in the process, I put my hands on my knees coughing hard, I rubbed my back and sighed, "I did this didn't I?" I just glared and him whilst coughing, "You fucking think?" I asked monotone. He just nodded rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes widened, "M-My name is Aiden Zoe." I opened my mouth. "HANJI!!!!" I screamed for the mad woman. "Yes?" I glared at the boys feet. "Tell me about my past caus' I sure as gell know I'm not Grisha's kid." I spoke angry. She let out a breathy sigh. "(M/n).... your my kid...--" I looked up at her then at the boy, he smiled at me, "I'm her kid too!" He said waving. Wait...? My own brother? "So....he's my brother...And you my mom? And guessing by this kid-- Aiden's hair Erwin is my dad....*sigh*...." I felt tears rush to my face but I quickly left total behind and started coughing, and suddenly I couldn't breath. Leigh walked in. He looked confused as hell. "The fuck is going on?" Hanji started to explain the whole thing while in the back I stood still pale faced, Levi looked at me I my back hit the wall, closing my eyes putting my hands in my pocket (?). I felt someone put their hand where the back of my knees were and my back. I was lifted up and I squeaked. Levi chuckled in my ear, he walked out the door leaving two blushing folks. "You only make that sound for me under stand?" He whispered huskily into my ear. I blushed putting on a stoic face crossing my arms over my chest glaring at the ground, I coughed. "Your sick brat, c'mon." He said bringing me into using room laying my down on his 'sofa'. I groaned rolling over onto my back putting my head in my arms as I breathed heavy. I felt a presence beside me and I turned my head seeing Levi pull my tinier waist into his hips snuggling his head in my head. I wiggled into his chest. "I mova youi." I said but it only came out as mumbled words, I turned around in Levi's arms putting my head into his chest wrapping my arms into my chest. "What was that?" Levi said playfully. "I love you......" I said grouchy knowing he heard me the first time, "I know you do." I slowly fell asleep....

Hearing one last word from him...

"I love you too brat...."

I like this part. It makes me happy.

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