That Day-(Izuru X Reader)

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The cold winter winds set in the day you met him. You had been sitting in a small bakery. It was a nice cozy little place, not to far from the house. You were in your normal seat near the window. For the first day of September it already felt like it should be December. The waitress had brought over your drink a few minutes ago and you were already three quarters of the way done with it. Who could blame you. A cold chill swept into the bakery as the door opened. The bell clanged as the door slowly shut. The entirety of the bakery went silent. You were taken aback by the very sight of the man standing in the doorway. He seemed to glide forward to the counter. Slowly, chatter returned to the small confines of the bakery. Yet for some reason you couldn't take your eyes off of him. His almost floor length black hair swished around him as he murmured his order to the waitress, who might I say was equally shocked as the rest of the bakery. It was astounding to see him. He turned ever so slightly his bright red eyes connecting with your line of sight. You felt a chill run down your spine. He was mysterious. As if he was a puzzle that you would almost never be able to solve. For several days it went on like that. Him walking into the bakery, muttering his order and then leaving. It became like a routine for you to be there on time. He would glance at you from time to time analyzing why you were there. You and your friends had been sitting around a small table discussing the man. The winter would soon be coming to a close and you hadn't even said hello. There was so much you wanted to find out. You were just too shy to approach him. The week dragged on with no luck. The last week of winter and it was already Thursday. You only had a few more days until the bakery would close up for the summer. You looked down at your watch looking at the time. "Right on time", You whispered to yourself as he walked into the bakery. You stood up, marching up to him, looking him in the eyes. "Who are you?", you asked. "That is none of your concern", he mused. "Then why are you always here?", You whispered. "At first I was just here by chance. However trying to see you figure me out got.. amusing", He replied. The waitress handed him his drink. He took it, starting to walk to the door. He swung it open, you following after. As he walked away you had the chance to ask one more question. "What's your name?" He turned, his black hair falling elegantly behind his shoulder. "Izuru.. Izuru Kamakura."

So sorry for the wait guys!! I still feel like I needed more plot in this one. I left it open so I could do another part just depending. This oneshot also went through a title change.

Up Next: We don't talk -(Non Despair Junko X Reader)

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