(I know, i know, i know, i am a despicable human being. BUT HERE IS YOUR UPDATE!!!! As i promised. :) Okay so there is a bunch of fluff in this chapter but not like kill me fluff but enough for feels. Here you go... don't forget to comment and vote. I love hearing from you guys :) )
Jenna's POV
Okay, one minute, I am making dinner in the kitchen when all of a pair of hands cover my eyes with a blindfold and i am being shoved out the door. If I am getting kidnapped then im screwed but based on the loud irish laughter I know I am safe. "Wait.... am I in a febreeze commercial?" I jokingly ask.
Suddenly another loud burst of laughter explodes from Jack. "Yes, yes you are." He laughs.
I gasp sarcastically. "I KNEW IT!!!!" I yelled.
Jack laughs again loudly. "Shut up and just get in the car." He said.
I had my arms stretched out in front of me. "I would but I can't see... why can't I see again?" I asked.
He puts his arms around me and started leading me to the car. "It's a surprise." He giggled and so did I.
We have been sitting in the car for what seemed like hours and i still have this stupid blindfold over my eyes. Okay, i say it seemed like hours but it was probably only about 45 minutes. My stomach was gitty with excitment, i have no idea where I am or where I am going. I felt the car slow down and eventually slow to a stop. "Okay, you can take off the blind fold now.
Ohhhhh the moment of truth, I kept my eyes closed as I lifted the blindfold off my eyes, then peeking out. My eyes instantly shot open when I saw the big blue gate with a diamond on top. "DISNEYLAND!" I squaled in excitment. There is no way that he took me to Disneyland. I am so happy right now.
Jack starts laughing next to me when I noticed the bags in the back seat of Mark's car. "Yeah, we are going to be staying for about three days... to at least ride everything once." He said. We jumped out of the car and rushed toward the gates, then Jack paused and pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head. Hopefully to not get recognized.
Jack's POV
I love that this makes her so happy. I realized how many people were here and pulled my hood over my vibrant green hair, I want this date to be about her not me. I gave her the money for the tickets and we walked through the park. Right at the beginning a woman who was suppose to be Ariel was taking pictures with a bunch of children. We didn't want to wait in the line so Jenna snapped a few pictures of her from afar.
We walked down Main Street U.S.A where we saw the horse drawn carriage walk over the pink cobbled pathway. I don't know my way around the park at all so I picked up a map from one of the booths. We took a turn into the closes place, Adventure Land. Of course we have to head straight for the Indiana Jones Ride. Jenna is lighting up like a firework. As we are walking down the path she take a hold of my hand with a smile. I smile back as I give her a sweet kiss and continue to walk. "This is amazing Jack, thank you so much." Jenna said as we walked through the man made jungle. We finally make it through the crowd to the actual ride. The line is long but oh well, it gives us more time to talk. I am glad that I had brought sunscreen and stuff before we left the house because Irish don't tan, we burn.
We talked about the future and how excited she was for going on the voice. "Yeah, I can't wait. I think that I am going to make every song about my relationship with you. Like have my own special meaning behind all of my numbers."
I can't help but blush. "Awww Jenna." I say kissing her cheek as she giggles and we finally make it to the front of the line. I let Jenna in the Drivers seat of the 'jeep' as a few more people climb in behind us in the 9 person ride. A little girl climbs in next to me as I grab a hold of Jenna's hand.
"I love you Jack." Jenna said leaning over and giving me a kiss.
I smiled in the kiss and as I pull away. "I love you to." Suddenly the jeep leaps forward and the ride begins. 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' start to play as background music.
After the ride we climbed out of the jeep and went to look at our pictures. We had decided before hand that any ride that take a picture we would kiss. It was so cute of course I had to buy it. The little girl next to us was pretending to barf at the sight of our kissing, how cute.
From there we went to tomorrow land which was just across Main Street and ran right for the Starwars rides. Star tours, and Space Mountain of course.
We walked around the park for an hour after that knowing we didn't have any time to ride anything else if we wanted to catch the Light The Night Parade. Who goes to Disneyland and doesn't watch the parade and fireworks every night?
Jenna's POV
Those were the best three days of my life so far... It was amazing, we got so many pictures of everything from a random picture of Ariel to Jack 'flying' with Peter Pan, my personal favorite character.
I think one of the best parts was the first night, when we were watching the Paint The Night parade. Jack and I cuddled on the sidewalk able to see all of the characters, he held me close and we kissed as Tinkerbell set off the fireworks above Aurora's Castle. It wasn't a normal kiss, it was passionate and loving like the very first one, only better.
When we finally reached home, Jack and I were exausted.
The only problem is that.... Life is one giant hell hole, with only breif commercial breaks of happiness. This was one of the biggest commercial break which means its now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Blue eyes (A Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)
FanfictionI have watched Jacksepticeye's videos from the very beginning. He is always there to pick me up when I am down. So when I get the chance to meet him of course I'm gonna take it. No questions. A contest... A fanart and writing contest. He begged n...