The next day i was back in the studio practicing. Trying to do anything to keep my mind off the upcoming trial. I swallowed hard but smiled as Alicia came in. "Hey girl." She smiled brightly. "How are you doing?" She asked giving me a hug.
I sighed lightly but smiled. "Not great but not bad." I answer vaguely.
She nodded letting me go. "Well, I have someone to introduce you too." She said as a boy walked through the doors. "This is Fabion, he will be your battle opponent. Play nice you two." She teased.
I smiled as I shook his hand. "Hi, I LOVED your audition, gave me goosebumps." He said with a flamboyant smile.
I blushed lightly. "Thanks. I didn't see yours unfortunately but I'm looking forward to working with you."
He nodded. "Same here." Fabion said as Alicia handed us sheet music.
A little less than a week later we were back stage. I was in a short red dress with strappy heels and my face all done up. Jack and Mark by my side, excited and giddy. "Oh youre gonna do great." Jack said grabbing my hand. I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up but I can do this.
I just smile and nod when one of the stage hands call me up. "Okay, places for the battle."
I take a deep breath as Jack and Mark wish me luck as Fabion and I climb on stage. "Good luck, Sister." He said with a smile and a hug. I wasn't to worried about the affection, Fabion was almost to gay to function.
Our introductions start as we take our places, I'm shaking and trying to keep calm. Remember this is for Emily. I say to calm my self down as the lights come up. I let out a breath as the music starts. "Feeling used but I'm still missing you and I can see the end of this, just wanna feel your kiss against my lips now. All this time is passing by but I still can't seem to tell you why, it hurts me every time I see you, realize how much I need you." I pause turned away from him at opposite sides of the ring. "I hate you I love you, I hate that I love you. Don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you. I hate you I love you, I hate that I want you. You want her you need her, and I'll ever be her."
I stand slowly swaying to the music as he sings his section of the song. I hate it, but Mark is in my head and Jack. I try to push it down, push it away so I can focus. Listening I swallow. He is so good. I lick my lips as I start singing again. "I hate you I love you, I hate that I want you. You want her you need her but I'll never be her." We sing together. We turn to each other slowly as I continue. "All alone I watch you watch her like she's the only girl you've ever seen, yeah." He sings as we step closer together. I'm so nervous. "I hate you I love you, I hate that I love you don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you. I hate you."
"I love you." He sings back.
"I hate that I want you, you want her." We sing together.
"I need her." He sings.
"But I'll never be her...." I sing finishing off the song as the live crowd screams. I laugh lightly thankful that its over as we wrap each other in another hug. "You did so great." I whisper to him
He laughed lightly. "Not like you, you blew it out of the water."
We both laugh as the host comes up on stage with a smile. "Talk about amazing chemistry." HE said. "Lets hear it for Jenna and Fabion!" He shouts as the crowd screams for us again. "Alright. time to go to our judges. Adam, what did you think man?"
Adam smiled sitting with a leg up on the arm of the chair. "Wow... just wow. You two were just amazing, the chemistry and the levels that you created. Fabion, man your voice is like... like cotton... or something. its soft that the point." He said as the judges laugh. "And Jenna, your voice damn near broke my heart." He smiled earning a few awws from the audience. "Alica I ave no clue what you are going to do here.""How about you Blake?"
The country singer cleared his throat. "I think the word my uneducated friend was thinkingof was velvet." He teased.
"Hey!" Adam chuckled from the other side. "I finished highschool." He laughed.
Blake chuckled as he turned his attention back to us. "He is so right though, you two are great together, and I really don't think either of you out shown the other." He said
The host then turned to Alica. "Well Alicia Keys, its your turn to decide. Who do you choose to continue on with you into the next round?"Fabion and I clutch each others hands shaking like little rag dolls out of excitement and anticipation.

Blue eyes (A Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)
FanficI have watched Jacksepticeye's videos from the very beginning. He is always there to pick me up when I am down. So when I get the chance to meet him of course I'm gonna take it. No questions. A contest... A fanart and writing contest. He begged n...