Jack's POV
The video was finally edited and up. The comments were great so far well, okay maybe there was one or two. 'Wow she is so lucky,' 'Awwwww he found a jack-a-girl to his jack-a-boy!' that one was cute. But the next one concerned me. "Girl better step off my Sean... He is mine!' Annnndddddddddd delete. I huffed and leaned back in my chair, its been a good day. I should make it better and take her on a date, something classy, though I will probably need Mark's help. I don't know anything about LA, or where to take someone on a date. Well I better go talk to him, i bet he is in his room.
Mark's POV
I pulled away from Jenna, hearing her almost start tearing up when I told her to pick between Sean and I only means she does actually love me. I should never have asked her too, I should have never kissed her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done any of that." I awkwardly let her go and she just nodded.
"Mark, I do love you, but I am dating Jack."
I nodded. "I know, and if he ever hurts you I will kill him."
Jenna nodded and smiled then I heard my door open. Both Jenna and I looked to see Jack walk in with his natural easy going smile. A feeling of dread washed over me. "Kill me for what?" Thank god.
I laughed "If you hurt this poor angel I will kill you." I said with a smile. Just push through it. I knew she wasn't mine...She is his and I am not going to ruin it. But if Jack does anything to hurt her I swear to Tiny Box Tim I will hunt him down.
Jack and Jenna started to laugh as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I wouldn't dream of it." He said smiling at her. Okay, I know that I am supppose to hate their relationship but do they have to be so cute.
Then Jack's ocean blue eyes looked at me. "Hey Mark, I have to talk to you. Jenna can you go down stairs because you love me oh so very much?" Jack asked her.
She smiled. "Only because I love you. I am gonna make dinner, you guys want anything?" Jenna asked sweetly. I smiled. "I am okay with whatever." And Jack nodded in agreement. Jenna picked up Emily and walked downstairs.
"Whats up?" I asked Jack sitting on my bed. When ever someone says that they have to talk to you, it usually wasn't anything good.
Jack sighed. "I am so lost when it comes to America, I want to take Jenna on a date but I have no idea where to take her, any ideas?
Of course he would have to ask me... the guy who is in love with his girl friend
Jenna's POV
What were they talking about? Jack couldn't possible know could he? No, no. I am just being parinoid. Just breath whoooo. Suddenly Matt was standing in front of me. "I know what you did." He said seriously. Oh god.
I raised an eyebrow trying to remain calm. "You do huh?" I said with sarcasam.
"How could you eat the last eggs and drop my favorite bowl." HE said with a laugh.
And I almost had a heart attack. "Technically Emily ate the eggs and I blame Mark on breaking the bowl." I said with a smile.
Matt laughed. "Oh well that clears everything up." He said with a winning smile.
We walked into the living room to see a paused episode of Supernatural, I checked the info on the episode. Oh, Yellow Fever, thats one of my favorites. You know the one in like season 2 or 3 were Dean gets ghost sickness and screams bloody murder at a cat. "NIce." i said setting down the remote when Ryan came in. "Hey, I am making dinner, you guys want anything specific?" I ask.
"No, I don't care." Ryan said giing me a smile.
Well makes things easier for me.
Jack's POV
"Thats a great idea!" I said after Mark and I finished planning.
Mark gave me a smile. "Yeah, and she was telling me ealier that she has never been. I am sure I can watch Emily for a day or two because you can't just do all of it in just a few hours."
I could feel myself growing excited. "Thank you, Mark. This means a lot to me."
I hurried downstairs to make some backup videos before we leave.
Mark's POV
Yeah... great. Hurt her and I hurt you Jack.
(Whoo hoo! Excitedness well here goes nothing sorry guys still no internet Dont forget to vote and comment for me because I love hearing from you guys.)

Blue eyes (A Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)
أدب الهواةI have watched Jacksepticeye's videos from the very beginning. He is always there to pick me up when I am down. So when I get the chance to meet him of course I'm gonna take it. No questions. A contest... A fanart and writing contest. He begged n...