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"Hey, Lucy!" Natsu's voice carried through the guild.

All eyes were on him as he walked across the floor. Lucy was there, just about to exit the guild door. She waited for Natsu, a puzzled look on her face.

"Natsu? What's up?"

He didn't answer. Natsu simply grabbed her around the shoulders as he led her out of the guild. Natsu was glad when the heavy doors shut; he didn't have to feel all those eyes boring into his back.

"Natsu?" Lucy stopped to look him in the eye. "What's wrong? You look... embarrassed."

Natsu turned to her, and flashed a large smile at her. "It's nothing, really!"

He looked away quickly, Truth was, he was flushed. He would even bet that his face matched his hair. But he wasn't embarrassed, just nervous. Natsu had heard that it was normal for guys to be nervous for this. However, it was so far out of his comfort zone. Yet he had promised himself that he would do it today. If he didn't, it would be a year before he could try again. Natsu only hoped that he hadn't forgotten anything.

Natsu took a deep breath. He looked straight at Lucy. She was still eyeing him curiously, but Natsu was glad she wasn't saying anything. So, without a word, Natsu took his scarf off. He started to put it around Lucy's eyes when she flinched.

"Don't you trust me, Luce?"

Lucy calmed. The smell of the fire and the warmth of the scarf had that effect on her. She knew how much Natsu's scarf meant to him. How much Igneel's scarf meant to him. So Lucy stayed still as Natsu wrapped the scarf around her head.

Once Natsu had the scarf wrapped, he looked to the sky. It was only just beginning to get dark. He needed it to be completely black out for his plan to work. He had jumped the gun and grabbed Lucy too early. So Natsu grabbed her hand and started to walk. He weaved between people on the street; careful not to lose Lucy. There were a few close calls, but he held tightly to Lucy's hand. He didn't want to let it go. Natsu knew the crowds would be big tonight. It was the last night of the Sakura Tree Festival. The night when the petals shone the brightest.

Soon enough, it was dark. Natsu pushed through one last crowd, holding tightly onto Lucy's hand. Once he stopped, he had to catch his breath. Natsu could hear Lucy catching her breath as well.

"Do you remember this tree, Lucy?" Natsu asked.

Lucy gently pulled the scarf off of her eyes. Immediately she saw the tree Natsu was talking about. "Yes, yes I do."

The tree roots stuck up partially from the ground and the trunk was titled, as if it had been poorly planted. However, it flourished. Each of its petals boasted the brightest of colors. Some even fell quietly into the river behind it. The sky was filled with the colors radiating from the crown of the tree. Yet, despite its new growth, Lucy easily recognized it. It was the tree Natsu sent down the river years ago.

Natsu took a deep breath. "Lucy, everyone in Fairy Tail are Nakama, even that annoying Gray," Another breath. "But I want to be more than just Nakama."

Another deep breath. Natsu could feel his face heating up. He could see Lucy there, listening to him. But he couldn't stop. Not yet.

"I want you to be my family."

Lucy stood there, hand over her open mouth. He couldn't... could he? She didn't dare draw a conclusion. What if she was wrong, like she had been before? Lucy looked at Natsu, unwilling to move.

"Lucy, I want to marry you."

Natsu felt the tightness in his chest fade. It was, as if, for once, Igneel had come back. His family was back; his family was there.

Lucy felt her eyes begin to tear. He said it. He actually said it. She blinked the tears away, not wanting them to hide the man in front of her. Natsu looked at her with a strange look on his face. In her silence, Lucy realized he was waiting — in fear.

"Yes. Yes, Natsu," She began to cry. "I want to be your family."

Lucy stepped towards Natsu and he stiffened. So Lucy stepped back. This was what he wanted, yet he was still unable to react. Lucy smiled sadly, knowing fully it was who Natsu was. She looked at the scarf in her hands. Slowly, she began to wrap it around his neck. Natsu waited, unsure of what to do.

"Here," Lucy whispered. "You don't want to lose this."

Natsu looked at her hands, still holding onto his scarf. They were so small, so fair. He could see the polish on each carefully shaped nail. Natsu reached up and took her small hands into his own larger ones. His hands were calloused heavily — yet hers were so soft. He began to pass his thumbs over her hands and Lucy blushed. She was smiling. Natsu could feel the smile on his own face. He had done something right. Natsu dropped her hands and pulled her into a hug. Lucy fell forward, surprised by Natsu's action. But as she felt his arms around her, and smelt the fire on his clothes, she relaxed.

Natsu felt her relax in his arms. He stood there — arms around her — unsure of what he was supposed to do now. Eventually, he decided to rest his chin on her head. Taking a deep breath, he could smell her scent. Lilacs. Natsu remembered Lucy's window garden. It was filled with Lilacs...

"Natsu?" Lucy looked up, loosening the hug.

"Yeah?" Natsu looked down at her face.

"When do you want to tell the guild?"

He grinned. "As soon as possible."

Lucy pulled away even more, and Natsu reluctantly let her go. She looked at him and smiled. "You should go home. Happy will be getting worried."

Natsu turned but before he could leave, Lucy called out.

"Can I see you in the morning?" She was hopeful.

Natsu grinned a wide grin. "I'll be in your living room first thing in the morning."

Natsu turned around fully. Lucy looked happy; and that made him happy. He wanted to look back at her, but at the same time he didn't. He didn't want her to see the blush on his cheeks. I did it...

As Natsu got closer to his cabin, he slowed down. He could still feel the heat in his face. He was sure that he was still blushing. Willing it to go away, Natsu opened the door. Happy was waiting for him.

"Natsu, why are you red?"

"Nothing." Natsu retorted.

He pushed Happy away and climbed into his hammock. As he began to fall asleep, he had one last thought. I should get a real bed...


Lucy watched Natsu walk away. She waited for him to look back, but he never did. Lucy sighed, and headed back to her house.

Once she arrived, she sighed. Lucy gathered her things and headed for the shower. She took a long one and let her mind relax while she stood under the stream. Slowly, she put on her pajamas and climbed into bed. Then released a screech.

She pulled her feet up to her chest; hugging them tighty. Her foot had touched something. Something at the end of the bed. She waited, slowing her racing breath. Lucy reached down, and pulled the thing out. Sighing, she relaxed. It was a stuffy Juvia had helped her make months ago. She smiled, and fell asleep. The Natsu stuffy clutched to her chest.

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